A Project Report
Presented to the Faculty of the School of Management & Entrepreneurship
AURO University
In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of
Master of Business Administration
Submitted by:
Submitted to:
March 2013
I, __________________________________, hereby submit my research paper entitled _____________________________________________________
___________________________________ And truthfully declare that the above-titled paper is a product of my original research investigation.
I further declare that, should the school eventually discover that a substantial portion of my paper is lifted, in to, from original sources, using exactly the words of the author in more than 50% of the whole content, I reserve the right to AURO University, Surat to recall my MBA Diploma and cancel the degree granted to me.
Signed this day of __________________________ at AURO University, Surat
___________________________ MBA Candidate
I heartily wish to extend heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to numerous Mentors, benefactors, and constituents who have collectively endowed the Wherewithal, faith and encouragement for me to navigate and complete my Project journey.
To Professor Kamlesh Mishra, my primary advisor and unflagging advocate, who mustered devoted, continuing, innovative and adaptive mentorship to impel and shepherd my checked efforts through diverse and abounding challenges, I extend my deep and abiding respect and many, many thanks.
To Professor Jyoti Chandwani, my supporting advisor, who gently and patiently endured my academic tardiness, I offer commensurate veneration?
To the faculty and staff of the School of Management and Entrepreneurship, AURO University, Surat.
“GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES” Master of Business Administration, AURO
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