The sociocultural theory, the behavioral/cognitive theory and the biological theory are all
Viewpoints with which I agree. These viewpoints all share certain elements. The sociocultural theory holds that substance abuse results from stress and environmental factors. In situations where low socioeconomics and unemployment are evident, drugs are commonly used as a means of relief from stress. The behavioral/cognitive viewpoint sees the situational substance abuse factors as contributing to the condition as well. The behavioral/cognitive viewpoint holds that abuse patterns are developed through operant conditioning when the individual uses to release tension during stressful situations. This temporary release becomes a habit as the individual begins to carry expectancy of reward with use and a pattern of abuse through motivation becomes established. The individual begins to use in all situations of stress and tension, regardless of the nature of the external circumstances. The drug reward becomes a motivation in its own right. Both the behavioral/cognitive and the sociocultural views are demonstrated clearly in Socioeconomically depresses communities, as well as in middle-class communities that are experiencing job related stresses in our current economy. The biological theory carries certain credence due to its scientific, empirical basis. Research demonstrates a link between substance abuse, genetics and biochemical factors. The individual is seen here to become addicted because their natural brain chemical levels are not within normal range. They self medicate with substance abuse as a means of altering their biochemical levels artificially.
Drug addiction is treated in standard ways for under the perspective of each of these three theories. In sociocultural therapies, self help programs, community prevention programs, culture and gender sensitive programs are all commonly employed for treatment. Social group