Intro- Sociology 110
Ms. Willingham
Substance Abuse among the Elderly There seem to be a problem growing in our society today that is affecting our Elderly, which is substance abuse. The baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964 which are reaching the retirement age seem to be the rising population in treatment centers in the United States. The reason this is an important subject is simple; the elderly people whom I’m talking about are dying from overdose of prescription and non-prescription drugs, also someone’s mother or farther. Inasmuch, it is also costing a great deal of money to treat them, and also very profitable. What is causing the elderly to use drugs at such a high rate and at a really late stage in their lives? There is not just one variable in this matter I think it is a combination of variables that play a part in the use of substance abuse. When a person gets to retirement age, they seem not to be able to function in their normal routine which causes some older people to fall into a state of depression. Not only depression but a sense lost loneliness and even aging pains. The word Anomie means, a lack of purpose. Anomie is the primary variable that drive the elderly to seek out a way to medicate these feelings Many older adults also have prescriptions for medications and use OCT (over-the-counter) medications which many times are used inappropriately. Sometimes this is done accidentally and other times, not. It is very common for older adults to accidentally misuse prescription drugs and medications that are purchased over the counter. Misuse of over the counter drugs is common place when referring to the elderly, taking medications that can 't be combined with prescription drugs like pain pills is very dangerous. Many cough and cold medications are dangerous when mixing them with certain prescription drugs or alcohol. Many times an older person will take more than the recommended dose and also take it too often.
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