Substance abuse in the elderly exists just as in any other population. Many seniors develop substance abuse problems due to circumstances or situations due to the aging process. A report by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment/Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration indicates that 17% of adults age 60 and older are affected by alcohol abuse and abuse of legal drugs.
The report also states that a third of those seniors who abuse substances did not have a substance abuse problem in their earlier years. People usually think of substance abuse as using illegal drugs and young people as the most common abusers. People do not think of seniors as abusers of drugs. As a result, the issue of substance abuse by seniors has been under-researched and the number of seniors who use substances is much higher than reported. In 2000, an estimated 568,000 persons aged 55 or older had used illicit drugs in the past month and over 5 million were "binge" alcohol users, including more than 1 million who were heavy alcohol users. The number of substance users among older adults is likely to increase in the coming years due to the aging of the "baby boom" generation. (NHSDA Report, 2001)
Reports states that more than one substance may be used by seniors, alcohol seems to be the primary substance. A recent report estimates that 4.4 million older adults (over age 50) will be in need of substance abuse treatment by the year 2020. The study also states almost a 50% increase from 1988 to 1997 in the number of alcohol related hospitalizations among older people 6. Emergency room visits shows a 58% increase in alcohol mentions for patients 55 or older. (TEDS, June, 07, 2004) Levin and Kruger (2000) called substance abuse among older adults an "invisible epidemic", stating that older adults, relatives, and caregivers tend to downplay the existence of any substance abuse problems. They also state that the symptoms of alcohol and drug
References: Alcoholism in the elderly (n.d.). Retrieved December 27, 2007, from alcoholismintheelderly.seniorsinsobriety. Benshoff, J. J. (2004, April). Substance abuse and the elderly: unique issues and concerns. Retrieved December 27, 2008, from Journal of rehabilitation. (2007, January). Retrieved Dec 27, 2007, from If you are concerned about an elderly person (2006, August 25). Retrieved December 27, 2007, from Elderly Alcohol and Substance Abuse (n.d.). Retrieved December 27, 2007, from