Amy Luman
February 10, 2010
Philip Fasso
When a woman becomes pregnant, it is vital to her baby's health that she leads a healthy life. This includes eating plenty of nourishing food, fulfilling an adequate amount of rest, and exercising regularly. For a pregnant woman, pregnancy substance abuse is twice as dangerous. First, drugs may harm her own health, which interferes with her ability to support the pregnancy. Second, some drugs can directly impair prenatal development. During pregnancy, virtually all illegal drugs pose a danger. Even legal substances, such as alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drugs are dangerous to expecting women. As many as one in 10 babies may be born …show more content…
One million women of child-bearing age use cocaine (Blatt, Meguid, & Church, 2000). Cocaine use during pregnancy can affect a pregnant woman and her baby in many ways. During the early months of pregnancy, cocaine may increase the risk of miscarriage. Later in pregnancy, it may trigger preterm labor or cause the baby to grow poorly. As a result, cocaine-exposed babies are more likely than unexposed babies to be born prematurely and with low birth weight. Premature and low-birth weight babies are at increased risk of health problems during the newborn period, lasting disabilities such as mental retardation and cerebral palsy, and even death. Cocaine-exposed babies also tend to have smaller heads, which generally reflect smaller brains and an increased risk of learning problems.
Cocaine use during pregnancy can cause placental problems, including placental abruption. In this condition, the placenta pulls away from the wall of the uterus before labor begins. This will lead to heavy bleeding that can be life threatening for both mother and baby. The baby may be deprived of oxygen and adequate blood flow when an abruption occurs. Prompt cesarean delivery, however; can prevent most deaths but may not prevent serious complications for the baby caused by lack of oxygen (March of Dimes Foundation,