
Substance Abuse Relapse Case Study

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Substance Abuse Relapse Case Study
Prior to February 8, 2017, Trayvonta William Owens’ whereabouts were unknown and his case was inactive. Prior to his whereabouts being unknown, Trayvonta was on level four parole supervision. Trayvonta was released from the Department of Juvenile Justice on November 17, 2016. Upon release Trayvonta was placed at the Apartment Living Program in Virginia Beach, Virginia. In this program, Trayvonta was provided transitional case management services, independent living skills, life skills and 30 days of electronic monitoring. A referral for substance abuse relapse prevention through Tidewater Youth Services Commission was also made. Trayvonta left the Apartment Living Program on December 12, 2016. His whereabouts were unknown until February 8, …show more content…
Trayvonta was original placed on probation on September 5, 2013, for receiving stolen property. On October 28, 2013, he was ordered to complete 25 hours of community service work, participate with in-home counseling, participate with the Youth Challenged Advised & Positively Promoted (YCAPP) program, complete a substance abuse assessment and follow recommendations and to follow school rules and regulations. While being on probation, Trayvonta has incurred numerous felony charges and his whereabouts were unknown for lengthy periods of time. Trayvonta failed to complete community service hours within a two year period and was terminated from substance abuse treatment, due to his continued marijuana usage. His substance abuse has increased to include misuse of prescription drugs and other drugs. He has failed to comply with in-home counseling in the past as well as only attending one session of individual counseling. While in school his attendance was poor to the point where he had to be placed in the General Educational Development (GED) program. Trayvonta was afforded all services through the court service unit and other community based agencies resulting in his disregard to being compliant with court ordered requirements and to be a law abiding citizen. As a result of his continued noncompliance, Trayvonta was committed to the Department of Juvenile Justice on September 17, 2015, …show more content…
Trayvonta’s behavior while committed was sporadic. He displayed periods of on task behavior and periods of non-compliant behavior. There was also some suspicion Trayvonta was gang involved.
Trayvonta’s supervision goals includes eliminating the use of illegal substances, developing positive coping skills to stop the escalation of anger and aggression and avoiding negative peer interactions and/or gang related behavior. Trayvonta’s progress towards his goals was poor. Trayvonta could verbalize the steps he needed to take in order to accomplish his goals, but was not able to actively put the steps in motion. Trayvonta could verbalize the impact that illegal substance had on his past behavior and could verbalize how his behavior improved when he was not under the influence of illegal substance.
Trayvonta’s adjustment to parole supervision was poor. Initially upon release, Trayvonta was compliant to parole expectations and program guidelines of the Apartment Living Program. Trayvonta was able to obtain employment, but quickly quit due to not liking the

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