Annotated works cited.
Cox, W. (2004). Smart growth: threatening the quality of urban life. Halifax, Nova Scotia; Atlantic Institute for Market Studies.
Smart growth policies do not yield the positive results that anti-suburbanites claim. In fact, the research contained in this book demonstrates that smart growth policies can have a negative effect on the health of a city. Portland, Oregon has the most aggressive smart growth policy in North America, because of this policy it has seen metro traffic rise exponentially. The economy of Portland has been decimated by a shortage in commercial land and housing prices have increased due to land rationing. This paper shows that qualities …show more content…
This is an area of high employment with a growing population that does not show signs of slowing down. Unfortunately, the growth has resulted in the urban sprawl of cities. Suburban and industrial development spreads past the periphery of communities, consuming green space and agricultural space. Recently, the Ontario government has taken steps to reduce and redirect this growth in a more structured way. This study compares past government policies with recent legislation designed to protect environmentally sensitive areas and encourage smart …show more content…
(2008). Preferences of Suburban Residents in Thunder Bay, Ontario towards neighbourhood intensification and rediversification. Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 17(2), 28-56.
The purpose of this study is to determine the attitudes of the residents of Thunder Bay towards different densities of development. It seeks to better inform developers of the preferences of suburban residents. It presents information that can be useful from an urban planner’s point of view.
The development of a Visual Preference Survey (VPS) helps to determine the preferences of the residents of Thunder Bay when it comes to different types of development densities. Based on the common theory that suburban residents do not want higher density housing in their neighbourhoods, a two part survey was developed. Part one incorporates a face to face interview. Part two involves photos of different densities are to be rated on preference. It then concludes with a ten page questionnaire that the respondents are required to mail back.
People crossing; As urban sprawl bulldozes over rural spaces, animals are adjusting to city life. (2009, February 28). Guelph Mercury, P.