Rationale for Business Selection: Subway has had much success in the past few decades, but its room expansion continues to be hopeful. The Bloomberg Business reports that about half of Subway’s roughly 200,000 franchise inquiries each year come from North America. However, the company sees most of the growth opportunity overseas. Don Fertman, Subway 's chief development officer, expressed his excitement around new opportunities in sub-Saharan Africa amid ongoing growth in South Africa, Tanzania, and Zambia. Subway shops in Kenya will also open soon. There are still some potential U.S. targets, he says, namely in Philadelphia, New York City’s outer boroughs, and Boston. Subway has been recognized Subway regularly for awards for being the most effective, supportive franchise system. The past 3 years, Subway has been awarded the Number One ranking in the Franchise Direct Top 100 Global Franchises Rankings, which recognized the brand for possessing "a clear business plan, a commitment to training and support, an ability to innovate and sensitivity to environmental issues." Delcua and Fertman both take pride in investing and providing support for its franchisees. These men both have stated that, "It 's because of the franchisees! They 're the heart and soul of
Cited: Beesley, C. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.sba.gov/community/blogs/community-blogs/small-business-matters/operating-restaurant-within-law-101-complianc SUBWAY® Group. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.subway.com/subwayroot/own_a_franchise/FranchiseFAQs.aspx N/A. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.franchisedirect.com/directory/subway/ufoc/915/ (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/subway-restaurant-chain-recognized-as-number-one-franchise-opportunity-149811525.html Subway. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.subwaydevelopmentgroup.com/faq.html The history of Subway. (n.d.). Subway franchise: the history. Retrieved December 19, 2013, from http://www.businessesforsale.com/articles/all-articles/Subway-franchise-the-history