1.b. The least frequent form of behavior seen during the experiment was the one-tenth of the conversations, which were more personal and didn’t talk about life in the prison.
2.a. Subway Samaritan study displays a time-efficient way of collecting a lot of data. Throughout the four months, the research teams collected both quantitative and qualitative data. The research teams documented the different statements made by mainly women in the subway car. For quantitative, the documented the number and percentages of people who did or didn’t help. On the other hand, the study did not track long term effects or behavior. Therefore, generalizations were limited. The study was conducted in time period where women believed they were “inferior” …show more content…
to men. This explains why there weren’t as many women helpers.
3.a. The participants were allocated randomly into groups and they were placed in either the overestimater or underestimater group.
3.b. The two groups were told they were going to be put into the two groups to establish in and out groups and also to eliminate demand characteristics.
4.a. The participants demonstrate tension through nervous laughter and sweating.
4.b. The teachers, at the end of the experiment, reacted as if they were relieved to know it was over and the “student” wasn’t harmed. Some also acted as if they were angry that they were deceived throughout the experiment.
“The experiment requires that you continue.” “You have no other choice. You must go on.”
5.b. The prods get more demanding as you go down the list, which causes the participant to feel more pressured to be obedient and continue.
6. In the Tajfel study, participants where separated into in groups and out groups just as the ‘teams’ and ‘team spirits’ do.
7. A strength of the study is having ecological validity because are in a simulated situation to where they behave “naturally.” Therefore, increasing ecological validity. Another strength is that the data is objective and can be analyzed statistically so there is minimal chance of misinterpretation. A weakness of the study is the cameras filming the participant’s behavior because that will cause them to display demand characteristic, which decreases ecological validity. A second weakness is the ethical consideration of the study.
8. The position of the four researchers who coded behavior and documented data remained the same each time the experiment was conducted. Another control was the role of the model who helped at the exact same time every time the experiment was