ABSTRACT One of the most remarkable aspects of organizational change efforts is their low success rate. There is substantial evidence that some 70% of all change initiatives fail. This article explores the argument that a potentially significant reason for this is a lack of alignment between the value system of the change intervention and of those members of an organization undergoing the change. In order to test this assertion, the article begins by reviewing the change literature with regard to the impact of values on success and failure. It then examines Graves’ Emergent Cyclical Levels of Existence Theory and uses this as the basis of a method for identifying and aligning value systems. The article then presents the results from case studies of two change initiatives in different organizations. These support both the method and the assertion that value system alignment may be an important factor in the success of organizational change initiatives. The article concludes with recommendations for further research. KEY WORDS : Value systems, organizational change, Graves, ECLET
This article explores the argument that a potentially significant reason for the failure of change interventions is a lack of alignment between the value system of the change intervention and of those members of an organization undergoing the change. In order to undertake this exploration, the article will review the literature on the impact of values on change interventions; develop a method for measuring these values and designing change interventions which align with them; and test empirically in two small case studies both the argument and the method. The success of the two change interventions will be considered in two
Correspondence Address: Bernard Burnes, Manchester Business School, University of
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