Today, many students like myself all over the America have walked down the hectic aisles of high school and have sat in some of the largest lecture halls in college. As kids, we were somewhat taught that going to school and getting an education would be the key to our success and thought that if we didn’t fulfill these expectations, we would end up homeless and live a terrible life. For so many years during my educational career this was the mentality that I believed in. Although this may be over exaggerated, I believe that this may hold some truth to the many college students all over the world. It is almost like we volunteer to go into debt and deal with all the stress that a college education brings us because we feel like it will get us…
Is college really that important in a person's life? Many successful and rich people that are included on the top 400 richest Americans list happen to be college grads. That being said, college can help you become a very successful man or women. College is also the most important step into making your future different or better. College gives you so many more options for your occupation after college which also comes with a better amount of income. Not only will you ever getting money and a good job but also great, everyday skills.…
To be a successful student, Self-discipline is one of the most vital tools students can own in their life. It is all about to be organized and prioritize. It is very important to make a daily plan and dedicate the time needed for each task to accomplish in time. Being organized will help students stay on task and focus on the task. Also Students need to learn to prioritize their daily…
Although college is costly and there is a shortage of jobs in the economy today, I feel that going to college is still important. College provides a great opportunity for people of different backgrounds. It provides students with the benefit of finding who out they really are and what they want to do in life. It also gives students the benefit of learning responsibility and preparing for adulthood. In addition, college helps students to make their own decisions and to be more independent. After graduating from college, a person is more prepared for whatever career they decide to pursue. There are many possibilities that lie ahead due to a college education.…
The first reason on why college is important is that college grads turn out to live happy and healthy lives.In the article,”College is Worth the Cost”,it states,”College also prepares you for a well-rounded and healthy life,e.g. College grads smoke less,exercise more,and are twice as likely to engage in volunteer…
For most, higher education is the key to social mobility, financial stability, and self-actualization. Living-wage jobs are difficult to find, especially without an education past high school. Workers are competing in a market that demands knowledge, high-skills, and leadership. College is where young adults can learn to be successful.…
Many students go to college with the sole intention to get their degree, become employed, and earn a higher salary. Students with these intentions tend to struggle more throughout their college years. Students go to college because they obtain skills and characteristics that employers find desirable. These skills and characteristics also allow them to function in society. Making the leap from high school classrooms to college campuses can be difficult for many students simply because college professors expect so much more inside and outside of the classroom. Students who go to college are expected to be self-sufficient from the day they get there. At the collegiate level, students should come to class ready to participate, engage in the course…
Since the beginning of our education we are taught that we have to go to college to be successful. However it now has become a debate whether it is actually beneficial or non beneficial on applying to college. Such as a big percentage of students don't become successful after college and just end up in debt. Such as a majority of students think that a high school education is just enough for them to get by. This puts a lot of pressure on students to be competitive and continually having to be doing their best trying to be the ideal student. This gives another reason for students not going to college, as they feel they do not portray the idealistic student who meets the rigorous needs.…
It is very important to attend college as it provides many advantages and opportunities. For some, continuing education past high school is a scary thought. More course work, adjusting and fitting into a new environment and finding out how to take care of the forever rising cost of tuition expenses can be very intimidating and stressful for young adolescents. Students may begin to ask themselves what’s the importance of a college education. However, in todays economy the importance of a college education cannot be measured. The benefits of college far outweigh the stress. By going to college one could achieve a higher education, better employment opportunities, increased wages, better health, personal growth and help diversify one’s way of…
One university resource that I will be using to strengthen my writing and reading skills is the “Resources for Speakers of Other Languages”. I will use this because my primary language is not English and I have to learn to use correct verbs, adjectives, and other forms of English. My other university resource that I will be using is “Grammar Tutorial”. I will use this because I struggle with my grammar, and it will help me to learn how to use proper grammar and correct word ordering.…
College is a very difficult decision in many people's lives around the world. The stories of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs show that sometimes college would not be the best idea for some people. Even my father, who dropped out of college, is very successful and supports his family wealthily, while not having to do as much work as most people. However, these successful people went through difficult times and failed much in life, before becoming who they are now. While many people believe college is not worth it, it really is, because college is a pathway for many people into a great career, while also allowing graduates the gain of knowledge from the experience.…
As many of college students know, college can be a gigantic headache. From keeping up with homework, test schedules, last minute studying, and reminding yourself to eat on the top of all that. It can surly drive a person insane. Most students, like myself, sometimes wonder is it even all worth it. Though the long, stressful nights and the complete overflow of debt a student puts themselves in, can get the best of anyone, a college education is worth more than its expenses.…
In college most students work because they need a way to pay for college some how. It is shown that high school students that work during high school end up with a higher GPA (Steinberg 13). When students work while going to school helps them focus more on what they want because they will be getting ready for college soon. In addition, with student loans during college it decreases the chances of a student going to grad school. However, Ohio Northern College being the most debt college makes it possible for students to have a “good” debt because they would offer small scholarships but…
Going to college is very important to me and has many purposes. Attending college can be challenging, but it can only help you and your future. One important reason to attend college is to further your education. Furthering your education not only helps you understand things in life, but it also allows you to get a degree. By having a degree it can open doors for job opportunities and many other things. Getting my degree is very important to me. College is also a time to grow up and become an adult. College is a time to learn to be independent, to learn to be responsible, to mature, and to learn real world responsibilities. One must become responsible while in college, because you don’t have parents to tell you what to do anymore. Your decisions affect you, and can affect the people around you. My parents have stressed to me since day one how important college is. They told me I wasn’t getting a free ticket into college, and that I had to work and become something of myself. I had to work not only on my academics, but also at my athletics. College is a wonderful opportunity to make lifelong friendships and memories that one can cherish forever. Being a part of a school is a great feeling and I can’t thank my parents enough for pushing me every step of the way to get me where I am today. It was a little ruff, but it was all worth it. College is a time for one to have fun, and to become a part of your school you attend. Get involved. Join something you haven’t done before, whether it is a sport, a faith based organization, or something involving your field of study. College is all about learning new things and experiencing things you never have before, so why not take advantage of it. College is a very important thing to me, and it is something everyone should take seriously because it is not free, and you can learn so much from attending college. College is a once in a lifetime thing, so I say make the best of it. I cannot wait to see what the rest of this year…
In today's society, I feel that the biggest challenge college students are facing is the price there is to pay to go to college. Most colleges start off at a tuition rate of at least $9,000 per year. Yeah, that may not seem like a good bit of money for some people, however, for some students, that is very expensive, which causes some students to not follow their dreams and go to college to earn a good education further than high school. Many students feel as if they need to go away for college to get away form hard home situations, or maybe the school they have been inspired to go to is just out of state, however, it costs more to go to a college out of state. It costs nearly an arm and a leg to go to a community college for some families.…