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As I was reading through Lake and von Baeyer’s article, “Tips for Successful Students” I came across more than one characteristics that applies to me as a student.In my opinion, in order to reach the full potential as a successful student you must possess portions of each of these characteristics. I strongly believe that each of that characteristics plays its own unique part in a successful student 's educational life .…
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While reading the “Tips for Successful Students” article, I found it was important to keep an open mind and be honest when evaluating myself and the characteristics that will make me a better student. I tend to be a little hard on myself, and I understand that there is no one perfect way to learn, study, or to be a successful as a student and in life. There are guidelines, as provided in the reading, however, each person much consider what works best for them. I do find that I was in agreement with the information that I read, and there were things listed that I will utilize to increase my potential for success in this, and future classes.…
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A student’s success is hard to define because every individual has different ideas of what is success. Students usually think of success as getting a passing grade, but the schools could define it as students getting a high GPA, and a good citizenship grade, along with a lot of other standards. But schooling, let alone education, shouldn’t be focused on grades. Rather, it should be based on the life lessons learned from the subjects taught. Life lessons could include study habits, confidence to participate, and being punctual to class or job meetings in the future. A student’s success also can’t be forced by any type of authority and should be approached from a less traditional angle. The students are primarily responsible for their success…
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To become in general a successful student in life, we all need to learn to become a good student in every aspect of life. Becoming a good student is not an easy task if you already have other obligations to fulfill in life such as family, work. To be a good student it takes a great deal of hard work, time and self discipline. Any student who possesses these strong characteristics will often time stand out from the rest of their classmates. In order to become a successful student, my strongest characteristics are self motivation, positive self esteem, commitment and good study habits.…
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Since Roberto Nevilis introduced it to the world as a punishment in 1905, there have been many arguments to whether or not homework should be required. What initially started as punishment for kids who messed around in class has become a mandatory task that all students are required to do daily. I’m here to end that, I intend to show you that students should not be required to complete homework for a grade. Homework consumes too much time and leaves no space for extracurricular activities and causes health problems. On top of that, many students don’t even have the resources required to complete the homework. Despite these things, homework is still a graded assignment that if failed to complete, can drastically bring down a student's grade.…
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The first step in being successful at college is being motivated. One needs to have a good mind if they want to success in college. No one can motivate you more about college then yourself. Remember you can’t just skip school or someone will tell you to go to class. You pay…
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Academic success is very important and almost essential to living. Without academic success there are not very many job opportunities that will lead to living a successful career or stable lifestyle. Likewise this is very essential and can be utilized by each and every individual. Starting now, I will tell you where I am in my academic career, where I have been and where I see myself by the fall of the 2012 semester.…
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to complete. These stories cited statistics that demonstrate a growth in the amount of homework reported by American students since the early 1980s. The authors often mentioned that…
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Lake, A. & von Baeyer, C. (2005). Tips for successful students: Guidelines and thoughts for academic success. Retrieved from…
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Homework is an important part of the learning process in middle school. One reason is that homework gives students additional practice of skills covered in class. Middle school classes are too short to teach a new concept and practice it sufficiently for students to master. Students need both guided practice in class and independent practice at home. Another reason for homework is that it provides time to complete longer assignments. For example, the ideal composition process allows time for students to think and to reflect on their ideas, as well as time to revise and to proofread their writing. Also, reports and special projects often require research that can not always be done at school. In addition, since all students do not work at the same speed, giving students time at home to finish work keeps them from falling behind. Finally, the most important reason for homework is that it ensures review. New material and old material are practiced in daily assignments. Students who do their homework daily are prepared for tests and make better grades. In conclusion, not only is homework essential to mastering new skills and maintaining previously learned skills, but it also guarantees constant review and provides time for longer assignments, as well as additional time for students who need it. Students, do your daily homework, make better grades, and learn more!…
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In this paper, I will define what personal responsibility is to me and the role it plays in academic success. In my thesis statement, I state that personal responsibility starts from within. Its takes discipline and a willingness to do what you feel needs to be done. Failure or success in whatever you choose to do or not do in any area of life is based on your actions or inactions.…
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Determination and ambition have been the main reasons for my academic success to far. I personally believe that my academic performance would be improved as I would get more time to concentrate on my academic ambitions if I were to be awarded with this scholarship. I am dedicated to my studies and to my community. Receiving this scholarship will help take a lot of weight off my parents’ shoulders, and it will be an advantage to me in achieving my goals.…
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It can be fun for a person that is starting college. Starting college can be fun because the person is in a new environment. The environment is different for one who is starting because the person has to take on a more mature responsibility than he or she would have had taken on while in high school. Although starting college is fun, there are 3 roles a student can take on in order to be successful while in college. After getting through the 2012 school year, I have come to the conclusion that in order for a student to be successful while in college, he or she has to do the following: take a College Career Success Skills class his or her freshman year, he or she has to feel the professor out, and the student has to also take down notes.…
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