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Plagiarism is copying another authors written work and claiming it as your own. A similaritie to cheating would be they both are taking work that was done by someone else and using it for a personal gain. Then a difference is that cheating seems to be more broad of a term; it may include multiple choice answers and other active assignments whereas plagiarism is mainly for written assignments and essays.
I have not ever had my comprehension and reading speed measured. I was not aware that there was such services available on campus. But I think it would be a very goo idea to figure out if I am at the level that I need to be in order to be successful. I believe that reading speed and comprehension would be important for students taking web courses because most of the material is text that is required to be read. If a person is not at the level required then the work will most likely not get done, which will result in course …show more content…
The main learning type that accurately described my talents/skills would be Intrapersonal. I definitly have a inner spiritual motivation. I enjoy making goals and being able to complete them. I enjoy working alone and being able to do what I need to get done. I believe that the courses that I have taken reflect the styles of learning that have am best at. Especially when all of my current courses are online, that really helps with my best style of learning. Also, my main academic program is the nursing profession. I think you really need to have self-awareness, self-reflection and can self-pace in order to take care of patients correctly. The other learning type is Musical/rhythmic. I feel like this is a sub category. I really enjoy listening to music, playing music, learning new instruments and trying to understand what is going on in the song. I am currently taking a music class along side with my other courses this