The First World War could have been seen as the most important factor in achieving female enfranchisement in 1918 due to it acting as a catalyst which sped up the changing attitudes towards women. As it gave women the opportunity to prove that they really were as worthy of having the vote as men. Foremost amongst these was the fall of Asquith as PM. However, the issue would certainly not have been in the forefront of the Government’s mind without the publicity-seeking campaigning of the Suffragettes, immediately prior to the War. It is difficult, however, to consider this to have been the most important factor, due to the very negative image of Suffragettes that prevailed, and the fact that many WSPU members had defected to the NUWSS. The work of the Suffragists together with the changing laws, led to the increasing politicisation of women. So therefore it can be concluded that the militant suffragette campaign cannot be seen as the most significant factor in helping women gain the
The First World War could have been seen as the most important factor in achieving female enfranchisement in 1918 due to it acting as a catalyst which sped up the changing attitudes towards women. As it gave women the opportunity to prove that they really were as worthy of having the vote as men. Foremost amongst these was the fall of Asquith as PM. However, the issue would certainly not have been in the forefront of the Government’s mind without the publicity-seeking campaigning of the Suffragettes, immediately prior to the War. It is difficult, however, to consider this to have been the most important factor, due to the very negative image of Suffragettes that prevailed, and the fact that many WSPU members had defected to the NUWSS. The work of the Suffragists together with the changing laws, led to the increasing politicisation of women. So therefore it can be concluded that the militant suffragette campaign cannot be seen as the most significant factor in helping women gain the