Ap Am Studies
In order to obtain equality with men, women had to use a lot of strategies, which led them to many challenges. Some of the strategies the suffragists used were parading, hunger strike, picketing and organizing political parties. Getting sent to prison was one of the many challenges others included force-feeding and anti-suffragists.
Many Suffragists were willing to do whatever it would take to obtain equality. We held a stirring meeting near the southern boundary of the district, which is at the corner of Mott and Pell streets. This includes the rough sections of the city (doc. 2.) The fact that these women were willing to petition in even the roughest parts of the city showed that they were very serious about their cause and wouldn't be stopped easily. This action showed a lot of courage and commitment from the women who were probably not accustomed to this sort of thing. However the police stopped the assembly quickly. Woodrow Wilson really …show more content…
didn’t make it easy for these women; he was not the supportive of the suffrage movement. Document three states; upon thousands of screens have been thrown the slogans of the women's party calling upon the women voters to vote against Pres. Woodrow Wilson because “he kept us out of suffrage.”(doc. 4), a perfect example of Wilson’s inflexibility towards women’s rights.
Most men opposed the idea of equality between both genders because they wanted to keep their power over women.
Some women thought that the suffrage movement was unnecessary and too inconvenient to be dealt with right now, because American was in the largest war in its history (WWI). Men were off at war and women thought that America had a full plate and that suffragists were just causing problems. That our country in this hour of apparel should be spared the harassing of its public men in the distracting of the people from work for the war (doc. 6.) I believe the general public knew how badly these women were being treated they would have had the morals to join the cause or stand up for them. Some of the numerous consequences included force-feeding, beatings and terrible living conditions in the prisons. I had a nervous time of it, gasping a long time afterward, and my stomach rejecting during the process... I heard myself making the most hideous sounds, like an animal in pain (doc.
7.) Women weren’t handed all their rights like other groups of people, they had to fight for them. These women weren’t backing down and were willing to die trying, it makes you wonder if some lack of equality of a different nature is going on somewhere else.