Home » Suikoden Tierkreis Recruit 108 Starbearers Guide FAQ
17 Apr Posted by Lord Yuan Shu in Suikoden Tierkreis DS Walkthrough | 175 comments
Suikoden Tierkreis Recruit 108 Starbearers Guide FAQ
There are 108 Starbearers in Suikoden Tierkreis just as there are 108 Stars of Destiny in the other Suikoden‘s. There are some things to be aware of with many of the optional recruits, so if you want all 108 and the best ending, pay attention and make sure you don’t miss out on anyone.
The 108 Starbearers will be listed as they are available in the game.
1. Hero – Automatic recruit.
2. Marica – Automatic recruit. Joins at Citro Village
3. Jale – Automatic recruit. Joins at Citro Village
4. Liu – Automatic recruit. Joins at Citro Village
5. Hotupa – Automatic recruit. Wanderer who joins at Forest Ruins
6. Moana – Automatic recruit. Wanderer who joins at Forest Ruins
7. Logan – Automatic recruit at Grayridge.
8. Erin – Automatic recruit, Logan’s daughter who acts as spy under Macoute.
9. Mubal – Joins Company upon entering the Magedom and stays to learn about the power of Chronicles.
10. Zahra – Doctor found at the Magedom who joins to treat Cougar.
11 Eunice – Nurse for Zahra, who also joins your company after treating Cougar.
12. Wahie – Joins after you get Cougar. Hotupa will attempt to send Cougar to his own world, but he is unable to go. Wahie comes out and tells you some Gateway advice, and joins after this. You can go to him to do your Nintendo Wi-Fi stuff.
13. Sisuca – With 10 characters recruited, head out via the front exit of your HQ and Sisuca will show up. She’ll say ‘wow, you have 10 characters’ and head out. Later, return to Citro Village and go to the Elder’s House. Have her get ready to go to your HQ, and she will join you there.
14. Anya – After returning from the Magedom of Janam, put Erin in your party and go to Grayridge. Check out the mine and go