Summarizing the Medigap Program
Debbie Ryan
July 18, 2010
Ms. LaShay Martin
AXIA College of University of Phoenix
Summarizing the Medigap Program 2
Medigap insurance was started to help out with the medical expenses that
government program Medicare did not pay. Unlike the Medicare program the Medigap insurance
is private insurance one would acquire through an insurance company.
Some of the core benefits of Medigap Insurance would be as follows;
• Part A daily coinsurance for days 61 to 90 of hospitalization
• Part A daily coinsurance for each of Medicare’s 60 lifetime inpatient hospital days
• 100 percent of covered hospital charges for 365 additional days after all Medicare hospital
benefits have been used
• Part B coinsurance amount (usually 20 percent of approved charges) after the deductible
• First three pints of blood per calendar year
We find this information from our reading assignment in Medical Insurance; Chapter 10.
Medigap is purchased through an insurance company, but one must remember that
no matter where one goes to purchase the Medigap coverage the price will be mostly the
same. A person will have multiply coverage’s plans to choose from. Which range between
twelve standard programs to pick from. Per our reading assignment we find that the label
of these twelve programs is through an alphabetical system. Meaning the plans are known as
A on through L. One must remember that open enrollment for Medigap is up to six months
of starting the Medicare program. Also if a person drops their Medigap they will not be able
to get it back.
According to (WebMD), Medigap helps with coverage’s like co-pays, annual deductibles, any co-insurance
and for some non-covered services. For some people this could be a great thing, but it
Summarizing the Medigap Program 3
may not be for everyone. In my opinion this extra medical coverage
References: American Diabetes Association; Medical Insurance; Chapter 10, 11 WebMD;