Summary The article; “On eliminating Non-Tariff Barriers in a time of worldwide economic crisis: China’s role” discusses how Non-Tariff Barriers are dealt with by the World Trade Organization, China and the United States (Sappideen, n.d.). The focus seems to be on how the United States exploits the use of Non-Tariff Barriers and how China is doing all the work they can to eliminate them. The article puts forth an argument that China’s efforts, if successful, would result in a stronger World Trade Organization.
Discussion After reading the article it is clear that the number one focus in the policies that countries purpose look out for their own self-interest. This shouldn’t surprise me, but to a certain extent it does. I think it seems like the United States, specifically, masquerades as a proponent of conservation and human rights advocates for the purpose of capturing income and jobs for our country. This seems like a very shady practice. I am really good with conservation efforts and advocating human rights, I am also good with making as much money as possible and creating more jobs in our country, however it is the cloaking of the two together that bugs me. That really is what Non-Tariff Barriers are doing. In the absence of capturing dollars by tariff, we create a trade barrier in an effort to keep industry in a place where we can tax it. I wouldn’t say that I side with China in the argument, but I definitely believe there is an honest middle ground that we are not finding. My hope is that governments can agree to take care of their citizens, both as humans and as their tax base.
Works Cited and Additional Articles
Fliess, B., & Lejarraga, I.
Cited: and Additional Articles Fliess, B., & Lejarraga, I. (2009, February 26). Analysis of Non-Tariff Barriers of Concern to Developing Countries. Retrieved November 19, 2011, from This paper is talking about non-tariff barriers and how they affect developing countries. It focuses on the negative aspects and compares relationships with both developing and developed countries. Nontariff Barrier Definition. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2011, from Pace, K. (2011, May 25). EU import notifications as a protectionist move: an examination of the relation between tariff and non-tariff barriers in seafood trade. IDEALS @ Illinois. Retrieved November 19, 2011, from This paper discusses the replacing of tariff barriers with non-tariff barriers and the results on seafood imports in the European Union and the United States. It also talks about food safety standards and how they affect trade. Sappideen, R., & He, L. L. (n.d.). ON ELIMINATING NON-TARIFF BARRIERS IN A TIME OF WORLDWIDE ECONOMIC CRISIS: CHINA’S ROLE. Retrieved November 19, 2011, from Satterlee, B. (2009). Macro Impacts. Cross Border Commerce (pp. 20-22). Roanoke, VA: Synergistics Inc.