The problem in question is distinctly stated in the article. The question of concern in this study is whether or not, rock music that contains back masking, a subliminal message played backward, reaches the listeners subconscious level and leads and promotes them to partake in illicit activity that they wouldn’t normally (Vokey & Read, 1985, p.1231,1).
2. Introduction: The introduction suggests there is an absence of evidence to engage the statements made by Gary Greenwald and Bryan Wilson Key regarding subliminal messages in music and advertising and how they affect the buying public (Vokey & Read, 1985, p.1233, 2). Brian Wilson Key believes that subliminal advertising is in various forms of advertising and that the intended negative …show more content…
In their first experiment, subjects were not able to identify if backwards recording was a question or a statement, which proves that the students did not understand the recordings on a conscious level. The particular meaning of the homophone used in the backward message did not affect the way that the students chose to spell the words. With the results of two separate experiments, Vokey and Read could not find any evidence that listening to music with back masking in it affects the listeners at a conscious or subconscious level (Vokey & Read, 1985, p.1236, …show more content…
Personal Reaction: The topic that was researched was interesting, and informative. Before reading this article and learning about what Vokey and Read analyzed, I had never heard of back masking before. I was aware that the media used different tactics to try and get consumers to purchase their products. However, I did not know it was to the extent discussed in the article. The method that they chose to see if the messages met the participant’s subconscious or not was very creative and interesting. At first, this did not seem like a big deal. However, after reading the article and learning that government was getting involved because people felt so strongly that this was a genuine problem, I learned that this was in fact an important experiment. The authors did a great job at writing the article and keeping everything organized and easy to follow. After reading the article, I found myself wondering how this became a discovery in the first place. What exactly the listeners who were partaking in the illegal activities doing to start such a controversy? I don’t think the article had limitations, I found the experiment to have a very clear conclusion. However, some individuals who feel strongly about this topic may be concerned that the group of students who were tested could have simply not been affected by these subliminal