She soon realized that she had no way to get money, so she decided that she was going to remarry, but she was not sure who she wanted. It did not matter to her, all she wants is a way of income for her future family. She spent some time deciding who she would consider marrying. She eventually decides that the only person she knew well enough was Sam, the grocer at the shop down the street. Sam’s wife died in a car crash after she tried leaving him. He was heartbroken. He was not necessarily looking to remarry, and he had given up after the first few years. But when Mary Maloney explained that she was very lonely and needed someone to help her with her future family, he was willing to remarry her. Not only was she in need, but they were very close. After a few months, they were happy together and planning to get married. Mary soon had a son, Adam, and they were …show more content…
Not wanting to risk Adam or himself, he quickly tells Adam to pack his bags and that they would leave in the middle of the night and not ask questions. Adam did as his father told him to while Sam wrote a note to leave Mary to explain why they left. He told her how he knows that she killed her husband and that he would tell the police as soon as he could. He apologized for everything. Once Mary was asleep, Sam and Adam would leave at about one o’clock in the