Randy Rios
November 23, 2015
Shyla Lang
Cosmic Creation Myths across Cultures
The cause to exist or act of producing is the creation. There is a big mystery behind the creation of this world that surrounds the science mind. Each Culture in the world has clarifications on the way of creation of the world. It is shown by creation myths what signifies the underworld, earth, and sky. Creation myths indicate any destruction or destroyers. Dissimilar myths of creation informs regarding natural phenomena or cosmic occurrences that took place. All creation myths have difference and similarities in the cosmic elements, the steps of creation, creations, and their creators.
A world is represented …show more content…
At night, Pachacamac was alone so he created the moon, planets, and stars. The gender significance is the capability of producing life to other elements and beings. Out of stone, Pachacamac continues to create mankind, which was disgraceful and incapable of caring for them. Pachacamac, after getting married with moon, bore children, which were a daughter and a son. Pachacamac then sent that his son and daughter to his world in order to teach mankind how to care for themselves. After that, the message of Pachacamac was spread by his children that Pachacamac would provide them with warmth and light with the understanding that the individuals should not forget their creator. Mankind was taught by his son how to build and hunt; while his daughter trained females for cooking and sewing. Pachacamac’s son was named Inca who turned out to be the 1st Inca. Along with his sister-wife, once Inca spread the creator’s news, everybody started following them to their “golden temple.” From here, in the North, Inca started his individual land, while the daughter of Pachacamac started her individual land in the south; therefore forming the Incan world’s cycle of …show more content…
In this story, they went from world to world to see what there was there to offer as well as the dangers, each time using their instincts as well as their connection with the earth to guide them as well as help them along the way. Even the mishap with the trickster winding up with the children served a purpose in the end and most assuredly taught the tribe a lesson as a result. The people prayed in the end to bring wind to dry up the mud which in turn created a comfortable world for them to settle in. Only the Navajo creator bears a destruction done by a different galactic force. The coyote, one of the initial beings, in the 3rd world of the Navajo, steals the water monster’s baby which enrages the water monster. As a reaction, the entire 3rd world was flooded by the water monster. Although, the baby was returned to the water monster by coyote upon the demand of Begochiddy, it was too late and the water monster flooded the third world entirely. “Finally, the Locust with his hard head broke through and everyone and everything climbed through the hole that he had made. Begochiddy saw water all around and saw Four Great Powers. When Begochiddy waved to them they let the water recede. Begochiddy went back and told them that the water receded but that they needed someone to walk up there to see if it was dry enough.” (Marcia L. Gerencser, 2014). Incan’s, differing from the Navajo’s, have marriage and love for