In 2013, the city officials of Sturgis SD, did a demographic survey of the rally attendees. From the results they were able to estimate, 40% of the rally goers are between the ages of 54 and 65. This age range would be characterized as “Baby Boomers”. 36% of attendees are between 41 to 53years of age, they would best relate to “GEN X’ers” demographic group. They found that only 9% of the rally attendees were over age 60; and average % of men attending is around 56%, female, 44%. (
Around 68% of people attending ride to the rally on their motorcycles, majority of those being Harley Davidson Motorcycles.
In 2011, the Dept. of Transportation reported there is 8,410,255 motorcycles registered in the U.S. “To put this staggering number into perspective, out of every 36 people you meet in the U.S., one of them probably has a motorcycle.” (Boss, Blake) …show more content…
Don Brown, an industry analyst with DJB Associates stated “The broadening appeal of motorcycles is largely due to the baby boom generation”, says Brown.
“They have the bucks to spend," he says. "
South Dakota ranks first among the states with the highest motorcycle ownership numbers, with over 69,000 motorcycles register in 2011, averaging 12 people per bike. Washington State Ranks in at #18 with 220856 registered bikes equaling about 31 people per