Entrepreneuring: efforts to bring about new economic, social, institutional, and cultural environments through the actions of an individual or group of individuals → emancipatory process with broad change potential. This view foregrounds three aspects: (1) seeking autonomy, (2) authoring, and (3) making declarations.
There exist four main approaches about what entrepreneurs distinguishes from managers: (1) creation of new organizations, (2) high-growth, high-wealth-creating businesses, (3) innovations and creation of new products and markets, and (4) recognition and pursuit of profitable opportunities. The underlying assumption is that wealth creation is a fundamental goal of entrepreneurial efforts.
Jim Corman: he provides anecdotal evidence that individuals often engage in entrepreneuring for motives other than wealth. Corman was a senior vice president at a large long-distance telephone provider and he stated that decisions came too slow, he had too little control of the work environment, and all corporate decisions were dominated by their impact on next quarter’s earnings. His CEO asked him to lay off employees in Corman’s hometown in order to boost the quarterly earnings, however he refused and left the company. He then created his own company to provide jobs for sixty of his laid-off neighbors. This start-up motivation is the intent of the Special Topic Forum (STF) and this article.
The given definition of entrepreneuring is consistent with prior research in terms of the creation of newness. The objective of this article is to extend and complement this research. Two goals in this article: (1) broaden the focus of entrepreneurship research by drawing attention to the emancipatory aspects of entrepreneuring and (2) introducing the papers contained in the STF and relate them to the emancipatory perspective.
Busenitz et al suggested an overarching framework that