(Along with Presentation) The first picture is the very moment I knew that Marlena and I were destined to be together. I don’t know if anyone can truly emulate the love I felt for her when I saw her perform alongside her horses. Marlena was one with all of those she got to encounter. She was one with her horses, she was one with the humans she interacted with, and she was one with the circus. The qualities of her ability to fully immerse herself into her surroundings somewhat validated my growing sensitivity to those on the train. My developing sensitivity made it easy for me to deal with her previous husband, August. August had a mental …show more content…
If there was anyone who could be close to being symbolized as the adhesive to the relationship I had with Marlena, it would be Rosie. That elephant was more than just some show animal. Rosie understood what we all did. She could comprehend to when she was abused and she could understand my frustration with her when I saw her swooning back into the arms of her abuser. Rosie also protected Marlena during the day of the stampede. You all should have seen it. Rosie stood, hovering over Marlena, and made sure that she wasn’t ran over by the rest of the animals. Rosie kept Marlena safe so that we could eventually be together. I don’t know what better glue I could ask for to have made it possible to attatch Marlena to my