Lecture 1: Mass Communication Overview
Defining communication and mass communication
Mass Communication: A process in which a SHARED MESSAGE is transmitted between the MASS MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS and their AUDIENCE (collected in groups)
Pervasiveness of Mass communication (Types of Mass Media: e.g. TV, Radio, Movie, Newspaper, Magazine)
Hong Kong Mass Media
Functions of Mass Communication
Macro level:
a. Surveillance (Beware surveillance, Instrumental surveillance)
b. Interpretation
c. Linkage
d. Transmission of values
e. Entertainment
Micro level:
a. Cognition
b. Diversion (Stimulation, Relaxation, Emotional Release)
c. Social utility and conversational currency
d. Affiliation
Dysfunctions of mass communication (see supplementary note)
Lecture 2: Media effects
Lasswell formula in study media events
Who says what in what channels to whom with what effect?
Powerful effect perspective: Magic Bullet Theory
Mass media have DIRECT, IMMEDIATE, UNIFORM and POWERFUL effects to the audience
Media message reached every audience in the same way, bring about same changes of thought and behavior in the entire audience.
Factors that make Magic Bullet Theory applicable: Audiences are less educated; Audience are less informed; Weaker social ties; Higher attention on media content
Limited effect perspective: 2-step flow of communication theory
Mass media effects are LIMITED and SELECTIVE
Medium is only ONE OF FACTORS that affect people
Media content moves to OPINION LEADERS, who then pass it on to others
OPINION LEADERS provide the information from media, also their interpretation.
Qualities of OPINION LEADERS (see handout)
Media exert effect through:
a. Activation: trigger audience to recall current belief
b. Reinforcement: reinforce current belief of audience
Delayed effect perspective: Cultivation theory
Media effects do exist, but only in delayed ways, because of repeated exposure of