For Round 0 the Promotional Budget for all companies in the segment is $800 with Customer Awareness of 49%. The Sales Budget for all companies is $800 with Customer Accessibility of 48% and the December Customer Survey of 21.
We are still on page 7 of the Capstone Courier, High End Segment Analysis, for the end of Round 0. We now review Ideal Position Expectations. Performance is 8.9 and Size is 11.1. Performance and Size are the most important buying criteria at 43.0%. Ideal Age = 0.0 is 29% in importance. This means consumers want the newest product possible in the high end segment. Reliability …show more content…
We now review Ideal Position Expectations. Performance is 8.9 and Size is 11.1. Performance and Size are the most important buying criteria at 43.0%. Ideal Age = 0.0 is 29% in importance. This means consumers want the newest product possible in the high end segment. Reliability is 19% in importance with MTBF between 20,000 and 25,000 hours. A company should never increase MTBF over the maximum number, in this case 25,000 because the money spent is just wasted. The price of the High End Product is between $30.00 and $40.00. Price is the least important criteria in the high end segment at only 9%.
Performance Segment has Reliability, Mean Time before Failure (MTBF) as the most important customer buying criteria at 43% and Ideal Positioning at 29%.
For Round 0 the Promotional Budget for all companies in the segment is $800 with Customer Awareness of 49%. The Sales Budget for all companies is $800 with Customer Accessibility of 48% and the December Customer Survey of …show more content…
We now review Ideal Position Expectations. Performance is 8.9 and Size is 11.1. Performance and Size are the most important buying criteria at 43.0%. Ideal Age = 0.0 is 29% in importance. This means consumers want the newest product possible in the high end segment. Reliability is 19% in importance with MTBF between 20,000 and 25,000 hours. A company should never increase MTBF over the maximum number, in this case 25,000 because the money spent is just wasted. The price of the High End Product is between $30.00 and $40.00. Price is the least important criteria in the high end segment at only