| | Stamp Tax | Required that many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper produced in London, carrying an embossed revenue stamp | The Colonists were angered by the Stamp tax because they did not want to pay more taxes for other stamps. | Another cause leading to the American Revolution | Stamp Act Congress | The Stamp Act Congress was a meeting on October 19, 1765 in New York City of representatives from among the Thirteen Colonies. They discussed and acted upon the Stamp Act recently passed by the governing Parliament of Great Britain | The Stamp Act Congress also gave the colonists a model for the Continental Congress. | | Committee of Correspondence | The Committees of Correspondence were shadow governments organized by the Patriot leaders of the Thirteen Colonies on the eve of American Revolution | Allowed colonists to be represented. | The Committees of Correspondence allowed meetings to take place where intercolonial representatives shared ideas about the future of colonial American …show more content…
| The colonists were so angry about this that many boycotted tea altogether and some bought only domestically produced tea even though that tea was more expensive than the British tea with the tax added to it. | Colonists all agreed that the tea act was unfair | Boston Tea Party | officials in Boston refused to return three shiploads of taxed tea to Britain, a group of colonists boarded the ships and destroyed the tea by throwing it into Boston Harbor | Inspired colonists to take more action against the British | Colonies could stand together against the British | Intolerable Acts | a series of laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 relating to Britain's colonies in North America. | Many colonists viewed the acts as an arbitrary violation of their rights, and in 1774 they organized the First Continental Congress | important development in the growth of the American Revolution. | First Continental Congress | convention of delegates from twelve of the thirteen North American colonies that met on September 5, 1774 | organize the defense of the colonies at the onset of the American Revolutionary War. The delegates also urged each colony to set up and train its own militia | American colonists standing together trying to get rid of the intolerable acts