International business- Commercial that crosses the boarders of two or ore nations
Globalization – trend toward greater economic, cultural, political, and technological, interdependence among national institutions and economies.
General agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Gatt) – Treaty designed to promote free trade by reducing both tariffs and nontariffs barriers to international trade.
World Trade Organizations – International organization that enforces the rules of international trades.
Gross domnestic product (GDP) – Value of all goods and services produced by a domestic economy over a one-year period
Gross national product – Value of all goods and services produced by a countrys domestic and international activities over a one-year period.
World Bank – Agency created to provide financing for national economic develpment efforts.
International Monetary Fund – Agnecy created to regulate fixed exchange rates and enforce the rules of the international monetary system.
What makes a country global?
1. Economic integration. Trade, foreign direct integration, portfolio capital flows, and investment income
2. Personal contact. International travel and tourism, international telephone traffic, remittances, and personal transfers.
3. Technological connectivity. Iternet users, Internet hosts, and secure servers.
4. Political engagement. Membership in international organizations, personnel and financial contributions to U.N Security Council missions, treaties ratified, and governmental transfers.
Multinational corporation – Business that has direct investments abroa in multiple countries.
Born global firm- Company that adopts a global perspective and engages in international business from near its inception.
The Global business enviroment:
1. The forces of globalization
2. The international business enviroment
3. Many national business enviroments
4. International firm management
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