Professor Alonso
Intro to Business: 10:00am
Chapter 9 progress assessment questions
1. What have U.S manufactures done to regain a competitive edge?
For manufactures to gain a competitive edge they had to emphasized the following: focusing on customers, maintaining close relationship with suppliers and others companies to satisfy customer needs, practicing continuous improvement, focusing on quality, saving on cost through site selection, relying on the Internet to unite companies, adopting new production techniques such as enterprise resources planning, computer integrated manufacturing, flexible manufacturing, and lean manufacturing.
2. What must U.S. companies do to continue to strengthen the country’s manufacturing base? …show more content…
Because production management is the term to describe all the activities managers do to help their create goods, while operations management is a specialization area in management that converts or transform resources into goods and services.
4. What is form utility?
Form utility is the value added by the creation of finished goods and services, such as the value added by taking silicon and making computer chips or putting services together to create a vacation package.
5. Define and differentiate the following: process manufacturing, assembly process, continuous process, and intermittent process?
Process manufacturing is the part of the production process that physically or chemically changes materials. Assembly process is the part of the production process that puts together components. Continuous process is a production process in which long production runs out finished goods over time. Intermittent process is a production process in which the production run is short and the machines are changed frequently to make different