Henry Fayol believed the four functions of management, planning, controlling, leading, and controlling, were universal of all managers (Satterlee, 2013). Although leading is a function of management, leadership is not synonymous with management. Leadership has countless definitions and possess many similarities to management, yet notable differences exist. Three important concepts concerning leadership are leadership styles, servant leadership, and ethics.
Leadership Styles, Servant Leadership and Ethics
Leaders are unique individuals and the way they choose to lead is additionally unique. Leaders will change the way they lead depending on the situation, person, or environment. Leaders must tap into different leadership styles to learn quickly and cope in a world of flux. As some business models …show more content…
Ethics are an important concept because they help define you as a leader, person, and Christian. Leaders are expected to the role models for ethical behavior (Satterlee, 2013) and hold all others accountable for the ethical standards of the organization. There are many ways to convey the ethics of an organization, but a written code of ethics allows organizations to hold people accountable for their actions. The detail and scope of the code will vary depending on things such as size, industry, location, etc.
The concepts of leadership styles, servant leadership, and ethics are very important for leaders and organizations. All three concepts are influenced by our walk with Christ. Different leadership styles are required for different situations or different people. The concept of servant leadership is closely tied with our faith and our supreme example of Jesus Christ. Ethics plays a major role in decision-making and leadership on a personal and organizational level. Leading is a function of management, but leadership is not synonymous with