Bullying can occurs anywhere but is usually start in elementary school or at an earlier age. People usually bully each other because they wanna feel in charge or because they think it will make them look cooler and tough. The person that bullies someone and the person that is getting bullied can have serious life lasting problems. “ How bullying affects the brain? My research will discuss how bullying affects the brain and the mental health effects of bullying, the long-term changes of bullying to the brain and what it leads to, and a study on negative effects on the brain.
Descriptive article: The article entitled “Mental Health Effects Of Bullying Even Worse Than Effects Of Abuse By Adults” was written by David DiSalvo. …show more content…
It a study from psychologist at Tufts University, Writen in 2015 the article is based on brain and the effects.
Bullying can cause many effect to your body. Victims who struggle with bullying usually have lasting life time issues. Research has shown animal and people can show the side effects of bullying and how it affects the brain's and how it functions. Scientists have done experiments with rodents by putting an older more aggressive rat in a cage with another rat that is much younger and more sensitive. Usually the older rat would push the younger one around and bite on it to show the younger one which one is in control. Miczek has found out that animals have had a higher rate of stress hormone. It also shows that the hormone can remain in the brain area long after the stress had ended which can have a huge impact on the brain which can lead into abuse of drugs. Experiment has shown when you put drugs like cocaine and alcohol the in the same cage as the rodents who have been bullied, the ones that have more access to the drugs will be more prone to using more of the drug and alcohol. The rodent that has been bullied will rely on it. The study of a psychologist in university of ottawa have found that boys and girls abnormal levels of cortisol compared to people who haven't been bullied. Having abnormal cortisol