is the desire for a limited government which is rooted in American history. In America’s early years, immigrants came to the U.S. to get away from oppressive governments often because of religion. The U.S. also revolted against England because England was oppressive with its taxation without representation. The U.S. started as a loose unity of states with a weak federal government. Most policies were decided by the states themselves. Even today, states have the choice to opt in or out of many federal programs. It’s also true for towns and cities. Sometimes, they can be given the choice to follow or not follow given program in exchange for state money. In France, national laws apply to all schools in the country; there is no choice about opt in or out. For example, there was a law passed two years ago about school days in French elementary schools. School days use to run from 8:30 a.m to 4:30 p.m, but now they run from 8:30 a.m to 3:30 p.m and a physical after school club is imposed on to all the students. This law is mandatory for all the public schools in France and no town or province can go against that decision. Because of what happened in history, the U.S. government has limited powers as compared to other developed nations. Americans want to make their own decisions and keep decision-making as local as possible. They want the federal government out of their business. For example, nineteen states have chosen to not participate in …show more content…
As seen above, Piaget and Vygotsky don't have the same opinion about egocentric speech. Piaget thought that when children talk to themselves, they do it for their self-centered purposes. Whereas, Vygotsky believed that egocentric speech was the key of social learning. Their opinions also differed with respect to the time period of cognitive development. Piaget believed that children go through four stages from birth to adolescence and then they are done, while Vygotsky believed that it begins at birth and ends at death. In addition to this discrepancy, Piaget said that a child acts on his own environment to learn. Depending on the stage children are in, they will adapt to the world by assimilating and accommodating their knowledge. Children are solo minded and use a hands-on learning approach and construct their own knowledge. At the opposite, Vygotsky believed that social interaction influences cognitive development. Children learn more if they get support from adults who are more capable than children. For example, a child can learn how to ride a bike if his dad teaches him how. A toddler can learn how to build a tower out of blocks if her mom shows her the way to do it. Finally, Piaget and Vygotsky disagreed about the link between learning and development. Piaget believed that development precedes learning while Vygotsky believed that learning precedes development.