
Summary Of A Crisis In My Mental History: One Stage Onward

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Summary Of A Crisis In My Mental History: One Stage Onward
John Stuart Mill, in his autobiography, “A Crisis in My Mental History: One Stage Onward” (1909-14), argues that happiness can only be obtained by focusing on something other than your own happiness and to not expect something bigger than what you could actually get. He supports his claim by first describing his previous thoughts that just not thinking about your own happiness will make you happy, then showing how his thoughts changed, then describing why he changed his thoughts, and finally explaining his new thought that you need to enjoy the things you do and lower your expectations. Mill’s purpose is to make his thoughts and idea’s known in our American society in order to created a different point of view of our happiness. He establishes …show more content…
As Mill stated the enjoyments of life are efficient in making life pleasant, if you take them when they come and don’t go after them. I believe that life can be pleasant as long as you don’t focus on making yourself happy, but you have to enjoy what you’re doing. Basically, do it if you want to do it, but don’t dwell on helping others or the improvement of mankind in a way you don’t want to. Put your own twist on it, make it enjoyable for you. Darrin M. McMahon states this is a cheerful yet serious tone so that Americans will take him seriously when he says, “If you're so inclined, put in some good hours at the office or at your favorite charity, temple or church.” For example, my mom is always working outside and sometimes she is out there alone so I go out to keep her company and help. Just working outside isn’t always fun though, so when I go out with her I play music, we dance, and just forget about our own happiness. Sometimes it doesn’t even feel like work, even though it is. Though, if the work is forced on me and it’s just plain work, it’s not fun and I become unhappy because I don’t have a choice about what I’m doing and there’s no noise so I overthink

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