The article “A generation of Slacker? Not so much” written by Catherine Rampellmay defends the new generation from the stereotype of this generation being slackers and having low productivity. Even though that the unemployment rate of young people right now is sky high, they are still highly productive and readied to seize the day.
The article first talks about how people view this new generation, or Generation Y as “entitled and are coddled, disrespectful, narcissistic and impatient.” That technology is making the kid softer and weaker. However, the author argues that the way young adults work is simply different from the earlier generation’s. She defends the high unemployment
rate of young people by citing out the Great Recession, which knocked many of them out of the labor force. And while technology is making student spend less time studying, they don’t let that time to go to waste, as they also volunteer to help other instead.
The second part of the paper talks about the way older generations look at Millenials worked. To older workers, wanting help looks like laziness; to younger workers, teamwork is good. The gains that come from teamwork have been learned from the collaborative nature of their childhood activities, which included social networks, crowdsourcing and even video games. This proposition of combining both work and play at the same time seems to be terrific in my point of view. (I know this is America but I would have to use Marx idea for this… yay freedom of speech i guess). Karl Marx used to describe the sense when people have to hide their own character with another. They put on a mask to hide their true self. It is called charaktermaske (Or character mask in English). With the barrier between work and play being broken, the charaktermaske (Character mask) will be broken as well and people will be more honest, more genuine to each other.
In the end, each generation’s have its own struggles. One must come in understanding and tolerance of those characteristic that are alien to us in order to have mutual respect between generations.