
Summary Of A Question Of Degree By Blanche D. Blank

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Summary Of A Question Of Degree By Blanche D. Blank
When looking at America's current educational system, the last thing you might think is "this needs a total overhaul." Well this thought, while extreme, may not be far from the truth as supported in the article "A Question of Degree" by Blanche D. Blank. In her article, Blank proposes several different legislation changes that would completely alter how schools, colleges and business look and operate in America. Primarily, Blank wants to enact a law preventing companies from discriminating against potential employees solely based on if they have a degree or not. She goes on to describe colleges as metaphorical slave to big business, essentially acting as a feeding mechanism for skilled workers. This machine ends up forcing college students into jobs they don’t necessarily want, jobs which people with high school educations could take instead. Blank makes it clear that she believes her proposition would genuinely improve today's educational system and improve fairness in the job market.
The likelihood of a plan such as Blank's being made into law is minuscule at best, though that wasn’t her plan when writing the article. Because of this, I can see both sides in the argument, agreeing that America's educational system needs change but that this would be a negative way to go about it. Blank's main point of disallowing business to revoke applicants
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They would say that it would hurt the job market with the flood of less qualified workers for jobs that may or may not exist. This is possible, though the government must find a healthy balance between a capitalistic economy and a regulated one. So a compromise could be made if to offer incentives, such as government funded subsidies, to entice business owners to consider hiring employees of all education levels. This would preserve the business owner's freedom in the economy while also giving high school grads a chance at better work

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