I felt the connection to her statements, yet I do believe we should stand up to stand up and speak up for the situations us women go through, and keeping it all in could possibly shut another voice down as well. I absolutely love when Wolf says “I want to give you a backlash survival kit, a four-step manual to keep the dragons from taking up residence inside your own heads.” (157) when I read that I had an idea of what she was going to write about, and that you shouldn’t change the way you think things just because someone else puts your opinion down, and I was in way right about it. In the end, Wolf talks about how you shouldn't keep your silences as women just because you will be judged. Sure you'll lose loved ones and friends on the way, for speaking out your mind, but the ones who accept you for you are worth keeping in your
I felt the connection to her statements, yet I do believe we should stand up to stand up and speak up for the situations us women go through, and keeping it all in could possibly shut another voice down as well. I absolutely love when Wolf says “I want to give you a backlash survival kit, a four-step manual to keep the dragons from taking up residence inside your own heads.” (157) when I read that I had an idea of what she was going to write about, and that you shouldn’t change the way you think things just because someone else puts your opinion down, and I was in way right about it. In the end, Wolf talks about how you shouldn't keep your silences as women just because you will be judged. Sure you'll lose loved ones and friends on the way, for speaking out your mind, but the ones who accept you for you are worth keeping in your