“Abortion: When Does Human Life Begin?” Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts on File News Services, 22 Aug. 2005. Web. 27 Mar 2014.
In summarization of "Abortion: When Does Human Life Begin?”, pro-choice and pro-life advocates both have completely different viewpoints concerning when a human life is considered just that, a human life. Pro-choice advocates tend to believe that the fetus is not considered alive until it can survive on its own, outside of the mother’s womb. Pro-life advocates believe that life begins at the time a sperm fertilizes an egg, also known as conception.
This article is full of unbiased informative because it gives a clear understanding of both opinions …show more content…
on this subject. It also provides explanations and examples from both sides to help the reader get a full understanding of each party’s ideas and opinions. For example, in the article is states that, “Pro-choicers believe a bug has more characteristics of being a living creature than a fetus before eight weeks of pregnancy. While pro-lifers say that a human has 46 chromosomes, and so does a fetus, thus making it a human. The fetus has a heartbeat, brain activity, cell function and growth.” (“Abortion: When Does Human Life Begin?”)
The information in this article seems to be credible and reliable; it is objective and unbiased. Throughout the article are multiple graphs and charts giving accurate information regarding this topic. I believe the information in this article will help support my belief on human life beginning at conception and not birth.
Scheidler, Ann. "Special Interview: Ann Scheidler Speaks Out Against Abortion." Issues & Controversies. Facts on File News Services, 9 Aug. 2002. Web. 1 Oct. 2012.
In summarization of the interview with Ann Scheidler, pro-life advocate, she defended her beliefs regarding the controversial topic of abortions. Scheidler was asked questions which addressed the topics of the morning after pill, the abortion pill, partial birth abortions, the affects it has on women, and so forth. In the interview Scheidler says, “Every baby dies. Every woman is wounded. And some women die from the choice our culture urges her to make.” (Special Interview: Ann Scheidler Speaks Out Against Abortion.)
This interview could be considered biased, as all the information provided comes from the beliefs of a pro-life advocate. Although it may be biased, it is very factual and very informative. Scheidler was able to defend her opinions and beliefs with what seems to be logical facts.
The information from this interview seems to be credible and reliable. It supports my pro-life point of view. Although it is biased, it compliments my beliefs. It touches on some very important topics I plan to use in my paper.
"Abortion." Current Issues: Macmillan Social Science Library. Detroit: Gale, 2010. Gale. Opposing Viewpoints In context. Web. 27 March 2014.
In summarization of "Abortion", by Gale Cengage, presented common issues that cause abortions to be so controversial. This included; the ethical issues, social issues, and medical issues revolving around abortion. Ethically, the issues are whether or not a fetus is a person who has rights, and if so, at what point in the pregnancy is this considered. For example, does a fetus having a right to live outweigh a mother 's choice of having an abortion? Socially, the issues regarding abortions surround the ideas of social justice and equality. Medically, the issues are with the safety of the procedure.
This source is very useful and full of information on the main issues involving abortions. The source was not biased towards pro-choice or pro-life but gave information concerning both viewpoints. This article presented facts and main issues that cause abortions in the United States to be so controversial.
The information in this article seems to be credible, reliable, and informative. The article stated, "Unborn children have the right to inherit property, and if an unborn child is wrongfully killed, the person at fault can be charged with manslaughter."(“Abortions”) That statement alone will help me defend my pro-life point of view.
Ertelt, Steven. "Mayo Clinic Doctor Admits Abortions Hurt Women, Cause Premature Births." LifeNews.com. N.p. 20 Aug. 2009. Web. 8 Oct. 2012.
In summarization of “Mayo Clinic Doctor Admits Abortions Hurt Women, Causes Premature Births”, speaks about a doctor by the name of Roger W. Harms finding about how abortions can cause premature births in pregnancies that follow the procedure. Dr. Harm states that, due to the vacuum, spoon, or other instruments used during the surgical procedure of removing the fetus, the cervix and uterus are often damaged. Due to a damaged cervix, premature births are more likely. (“Mayo Clinic Doctor Admits Abortions Hurt Women, Causes Premature Births”) The point is to prove that women aren’t only harming the babies they choose to abort, but also the babies they may wish to have in the future.
This article is clearly biased against abortions. The main topic of this article was to show the consequences women could encounter when choosing to have an abortion. This article is reliable source of information considering the studies were conducted by a well-respected physician.
The information in this article seems to be credible and reliable. It is also extremely useful for my research paper. I plan to reference this article when I want to discuss the aftermath of an abortion and how that decision can haunt a woman for the rest of her life.
"Fetal Homicide Laws." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts on File News Services, 25 June 2004. Web. 30 Sept. 2012.
In summarization of "Fetal Homicide Laws" from Facts on File News Services, the article covers the controversy surrounding whether or not it should be considered homicide when a fetus is terminated due to a criminal act or a tragic accident.
People who support this law believe both mother and unborn child should receive justice for fatality due to a crime or accident. People who do not support this law feel that the mother is the only victim because she is the only viable person. According to the article, due to the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 signed by President George Bush, it is a crime to injure or kill a fetus during the commission of a violent federal crime against a pregnant woman. (“Fetal Homicide Laws”) The controversy in this debate is that if it is considered homicide when a crime is committed, why isn 't it considered murder when an abortion is …show more content…
This article is packed with valuable information providing both sides to the argument. The information in this article is objective and unbiased. It gives explanations as to why some people consider a fatal crime or accident to be a homicide when referring to a fetus, but not abortion. It also provides the explanations for the differing perspective in this controversy.
The information in this article seems to be credible and reliable. It supports my arguments on pro-life, being that it discusses how laws consider a fetus to be a part of a homicide when a crime takes place. If a fetus is considered to have rights in that aspect, it should have the right to live as well.
"History of Abortion." National Abortion Federation. National Abortion Federation, 2010. Web. 8 Oct. 2012.
In summarization of "History of Abortion," the article discusses just that, the history of abortions. Abortions have been dated back over thousands of years. The article states that, in the United States, abortions became illegal around 1820. It was at this time, women would have “back-alley abortions” which were extremely dangerous and usually resulted in death of not only the fetus, but the mother as well. Outlawing abortions did not drop the abortion rates as expected. According to the article, the rate of abortions reached about "1.2 million per year" despite the laws forbidding them. (“History of Abortions) It wasn’t until the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court case in 1973 when abortion became legal in all states. Since then, laws such as the ban on partial birth abortions have been placed.
This article could be considered bias because it comes from a pro-choice point of view. This article is focused more on the rights of women and their right to choose and the history leading up to this opinion. However biased it may be, the article did provide a lot of information to help the understanding in the history of abortions.
The information in this article seems to be credible and reliable. I plan to reference this source in my introduction to discuss the timeline and history of abortions.
Neergaard, Lauran. "Study: Free Birth Control Leads to Fewer Abortions." ABC news. ABC news, 5 Oct. 2012. Web. 8 Oct. 2012.
In summarization of “Study: Free Birth Control Leads to Fewer Abortions”, the article puts in perspective alternatives to reducing the abortion rate in the United States.
It suggests that if birth control was offered to women for free, the rates of teen pregnancies and abortions would decrease dramatically. A study was performed to demonstrate this theory. The article states that, the abortion rate in teenagers went from about 13.4 to 17 abortions per 1,000 women to only 4.4 to 7.5 abortions. (“Study: Free Birth Control Leads to Fewer Abortions”) That being proven, now the controversy lies on whether or not free contraceptives should be provided
This article is unbiased based and information. It is merely suggesting that if women were able to have free birth control, the abortion rates would decrease. Although it does not give detailed information on abortions, it suggests preventive solutions.
The information in this article seems to be credible and reliable. I can reference the article to discuss my opinion on how abortion should not be a form of birth control and that there are other alternatives to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.
"Pregnancy Week by Week." Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 2012. Web. 13 Oct 2012.
In summarization of “Pregnancy Week by Week”, the article gives descriptions of what occurs during each week of a pregnancy. A list of symptoms the mother is expected to experience is given in relation to that week of pregnancy, along with the developmental stages of the baby.
The information found in this article unbiased. It was written by Planned Parenthood for women who are pregnant and are seeking information on the stages of development during their pregnancy. It provides detailed information pertaining to what occurs during pregnancy to both the mother and fetus.
The information in this article seems to be credible, reliable, and informative. Although it is not about abortion directly, it does describes the different developmental stages of pregnancy. I plan to use this source to discuss the developmental stage of the baby during each type of abortion method. Also, the article states that, fetuses grow and change dramatically throughout a pregnancy, (“Pregnancy Week by Week”) which supports my belief that all living things are constantly changing and growing.
"Public Opinion on Abortion (sidebar)." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts on File News Services, 8 Dec. 1995. Web. 1 Oct. 2012.
In summarization of the "Public Opinion on Abortion," Americans tend to have different viewpoints when it comes to the subject of abortions. As stated by this article, when asked the general question of whether or not abortions should be legal, the majority of Americans responded with no. (“Public Opinion on Abortions “sidebar”) The majority of opinions were in favor of legal abortions when concerning the causes of impregnation, the health of the baby, and the health of the mother. Then when the idea of legalizing abortions due to the selfish desires of the mother, the majority were not in favor.
The information in this article is unbiased, yet opinion based. The questions pulled all sorts of different answers that would support both pro-life and pro-choice. It provided evidence on how point of views on abortion differ based on the circumstance.
The information in this article seems to be credible, reliable, and informative. I could use the information to show how abortions are proven to be more of a circumstantial issue than a moral one.
"Types of Abortion Procedures." American Pregnancy Association. American Pregnancy Association, 2012. Web. 6 Oct. 2012.
In summarization of "Types of Abortion Procedures," the article provides a wide variety of different procedures offered at different stages of pregnancy. The variety of abortions range from pills to surgical procedures. It is usually during the first trimester of pregnancy where there are more options to obtaining an abortion. (“Types of Abortion Procedures”) As the pregnancy progresses, the options become fewer and more traumatic. This source was unbiased and very informative. It presented the various types of abortions and the time frame in which they are performed. It also described in detail the steps of each abortion method.
The information in this article seems to be credible, reliable, and informative. I plan to reference this article when I present the various abortion procedure and the time frames in which they are performed. I want to use the information to describe each method to give the reader a more educated understanding of abortions and the traumatic affect it has.