In the Ggreat Llakes for example, as people continue to use many hand soaps that contain triclosan and triclocarban in could have harmful effects to an ecosystem , like the chemical triclosan having an acute effect on to aquatic organisms, such as algae, fish and crustaceans (Gao et. al., 2015). They could have harmful effects on many organisms, by disrupting the food chain, as well as creating toxins that contaminate many marine organisms (Pignataro, 2015). The filtered water compositionThey couldan also not have a significant effect on an ecosystem, since the filtered water did not have an effect on the growth of the algae, but there was not a test conducted to see how toxic the algae were. After the growth was conducted for a week. The effect of the filtered water can go either way, with the soap chemicals not having a significant impact on the interactions or health of organisms within an ecosystem, or the soap chemicals having a possible major impact on the interactions of organisms within an ecosystem due to the harmful chemicals contain in the hand soap used. However, scientists should focus attention on pollutants far worse than hand …show more content…
This is due to hand soap not being an as large pollutant, as other pollutants are, which can include linear alkylbenzene sulfonate having a toxic effect on the growth of the cyanobacteria Microcysts aeruginosa (Wang et. al., 2014). There are much larger problems that scientists should focus their attention on, which can include phosphorous nutrient enrichment from farmers, that feeds the growth of harmful algal bloomsHABs as well as many point source pollutions that are dumped everyday by many companies into the water. With water, also being is such a valuable resource, having roughly 3% of the water on the planet being fresh water, and of the 3%, only 1% is surface water that is not frozen. Therefore, they further research should focus on other pollutants, more catastrophic pollutants, because there is not a lot of water that is safe for organisms on the planet, without having extreme health issues, affecting tall hem life. In conclusion, due to the filter water compositions not having a significant difference on the growth of the algae, the focus on pollutants should be towards pollutants that could cause algae to rapidly