a rebellion, throwing out trays of Soma, telling the recipients it is “poison.” Mustapha Mond explains to John that his ideas will never have acceptance at the World State. John, deciding he cannot survive in a society where humanity is sacrificed for happiness, exiles himself atop a lighthouse, where he punishes himself in an approach similar to the flagellation of Christ. When John is filmed displaying his gruesome form of punishment upon himself, he quickly becomes a figure of mockery. Although John becomes an entertainment source for the people of the World State, He arises passion among the people who imitate him. At the end of the novel, John “remembers everything” and hangs himself. While the ending is left open to interpretation, John’s death might’ve brought light to the amorality of the alleged utopian society.
a rebellion, throwing out trays of Soma, telling the recipients it is “poison.” Mustapha Mond explains to John that his ideas will never have acceptance at the World State. John, deciding he cannot survive in a society where humanity is sacrificed for happiness, exiles himself atop a lighthouse, where he punishes himself in an approach similar to the flagellation of Christ. When John is filmed displaying his gruesome form of punishment upon himself, he quickly becomes a figure of mockery. Although John becomes an entertainment source for the people of the World State, He arises passion among the people who imitate him. At the end of the novel, John “remembers everything” and hangs himself. While the ending is left open to interpretation, John’s death might’ve brought light to the amorality of the alleged utopian society.