Ex: The antagonist is Commander Naguib Al-Oman. Naguib has killed Amani’s friend (Hamilton 84), caused Amani to abandoned the train and abandon her dream of moving to Izaman (Hamilton 107, 114-115), and Naguib tried to force her brother to destroy a city (Hamilton 309). Point of View: the angle of considering things. It shows the auditions the option or feelings of the characters involved in a situation (“Point of
Ex: The antagonist is Commander Naguib Al-Oman. Naguib has killed Amani’s friend (Hamilton 84), caused Amani to abandoned the train and abandon her dream of moving to Izaman (Hamilton 107, 114-115), and Naguib tried to force her brother to destroy a city (Hamilton 309). Point of View: the angle of considering things. It shows the auditions the option or feelings of the characters involved in a situation (“Point of