In the
In the
Sensitive topics have been avoided in the classroom. Often when reading a text out loud, students are discouraged from using vulgar languages. Class readings are chosen so that no sexual content is present. Both Frank Bruni’s “The Wilds of Education” and Sophie Downes’ “Trigger Warnings, Safe Spaces and Free Speech, Too” discusses the issue of how taboo topics affect campus learning.…
A crime occurs when someone feels a hurt triggered, or when someone feels disagree with or “unsafe.” Brooks mentions that students at Brown University are provided with “a safe room” to escape the viewpoints or…
It additionally achieved the open deliberation of human rights and the enlightened treatment of different races. Philosophical discourses happened, and these two articles are a prominent case of the thoughts and convictions that were pondered. The complexity between these two verifiable reports is very evident. To discover the similitudes, one needs to look through somewhat more profound.…
Now the reader is thinking: “What could be so strange?” The article starts off with a powerful point made that there is a movement to scrub campuses of words, ideas, and subjects that might cause discomfort or give offense. Then it continues with many examples of what has been happening on campuses because…
Both articles are written about the same topic however, each has its own style, tone, audience, persona, and occasion. Duke writes casually to ‘rally up to troops’ from his conservative readers. The New York Times Editorial Board writes formally to defend their opinion to the newspaper’s readers. While each writer has their own opinion and voice, it is the elements of style, tone, audience, persona and occasion that make an author’s work…
One area that the two articles compare on right off the bat is their stance on the gap…
Among the major differences between the two essays is the way they are structured. In the essay “How…
The essay in question offers historical background and context to the current meaning of a…
SUMMARY AND RESPONSE TO TEACHING TOLERANCE IN AMER 2 Summary and Response to Teaching Tolerance in America Within his essay “Teaching Tolerance in America,” Devlin (2011) begins by introducing the reader to the current state of the nation‟s schools, specifically high schools, by discussing a variety of ways that tolerance in schools is falling short and that this is a significant problem. He then describes in great detail this issue, but categorizes its cause into to three specific areas: racial differences, gender differences, and social differences. For example, with regard to social differences, Devlin states, “The outsiders, geeks, and gays are ridiculed by everyone and harassed, bullied, and picked on by the jocks and by other members…
Both essays give a better understanding on why we make the choices that we make and how things effect us. Both essays…
The reasons for the contrast between the images discussed in these two articles are a combination of religious and political goals: in each case what we see is that while religion initially…
“Women, sexual assault victims, people of color, transgender students. College campuses have created “safe spaces” for all sorts of marginalized groups. But in the process, one member of the campus community has lost precious real estate. Free speech” (1). This quote from the article “Free Speech is Flunking Out on College Campuses” by Catherine Rampell introduces the idea that the right to freedom of speech is being squashed. All over the country, colleges are taking away this right from their students in order to protect others, but in reality, they are only stripping them of what is protected under the Constitution. Censorship has spread to social media apps causing students to be in constant danger of being accused of harassment. Claims…
Ancillary Essay 3 (AE3): Identities in Contrast Essay PromptRead both "Shooting Dad" and "On Being a Cripple" in 50 Essays and consider thecontrasts in how they articulate identity. How do both essays configure exclusion andinclusion? In both essays, the authors distinguish their identities from groups. In an essayof 500-750 words, organize an analysis of how the ideological and physical identities inthese two essays converge and diverge. As with AE2, quote from the essays to supportyour thesis, using MLA format (commas & periods inside the closing quotation mark forin-text citations; periods after parenthesis for page citations).A key element of writing a compare & contrast essay is finding the point of convergence.While Cohen has already done some of our work by putting together the two essaysunder the heading of "identity," we also know that at a detailed level there will bedifferences.In a sense, both Vowell and Mairs want their essays to be about those differences.Ironically, they also want their audience to identify with those differences. In effect,writing a comparison & contrast essay is like walking across a rocky riverbed: the morefamiliar you are with the highs and the lows (research), the more quickly you can lead theway across (explicate and argue). But remember that you won't be crossing alone; you'llbe leading, so give us a concise statement of what you think is the best way to the otherside (thesis) and then lead the way.In writing AE3, be sure your essay gives accurate summaries of both essays. Thesesummaries should be brief and should follow your thesis, which itself should appear earlyin the essay. Following the summary should be the paragraphs in which you analyze thespecific contrasts between our ideological and physical identities. You will need todecide whether to organize your essay so it contrasts the two essays in their totality orwhether it contrasts specific points from each essay.…
Asians that may feel unequal to everyone else also. The main idea of both articles express concern over the construction of “racism”. The tone of the text is rational but it changes to emotional as you read on because this is a very touchy subject to talk about. Both of the writers purposes were to explain and inform about social inequality in America. As I read the articles I did not see them shift purposes throughout the text. In the article written by Jennifer L. Eichstedt she uses cause and effect method to develop her ideas and she also uses examples. The reason she uses these methods is because they reflect the purpose of what shes writing very well. In the article written by Mr. Allen and Mrs. Chung they use chronological patterns to reflect there ideas which makes this article easy to read and follow. In the same article they use many transitional sentences because they are use chronological patterns and they work very well together and they make the article flow with ease. The writers were also smart about the choice of words they used throughout the article. They were very appropriate for the topic they were writing about. In both articles they communicate effectively on social inequality. They had different purposes and different strategies to communicate with the audience. Yes, they are on the same topic but there is many differences on how they were written.…
The difference in the editorial is the states and why they want to make it the 51st state. They want to split Colorado, to get control over land, farms, and get rid of democratic leaders. In article 2 they want to give equal right to Puerto Ricans & giving them the right to vote.…