brothers and younger sister. So not many girls played but there were a proud few.
Ruth continues with saying how he feels baseball to be the only real game in the world which is again, his opinion. Babe Ruth makes a statement next that I have heard repeated many times in my childhood “some people think if you give them a football, or a baseball, or something like that, naturally they are athletes right away. But you can’t do that in baseball.” It is his opinion that you have to grow up playing baseball in order to become any good at it. I believe there is such a thing as just being a natural at baseball. Ruth says “You have to let it grow up with you and if you’re successful, and you try hard enough, you’re bound to come out on top.” Well that is again just one fine man’s opinion. Many young men and women have played baseball their entire lives and never even made it to the minors. Sometimes hard work and dedication don’t necessarily pay off in the way we intend but everything works out for the best in the end and that is just my opinion. Babe Ruth ends his Farewell to Baseball speech by saying he is glad he had the opportunity to thank everybody for all the lovely things that had been said about him and that is a factual statement. Babe Ruth is one of America’s
hero’s. He made our Hall of Fame on June 12th 1939 and is as famous and widely loved as apple pie. His last words in this famous speech were simply “Thank you.” George Herman Ruth (Babe Ruth) fought throat cancer for two years when he finally passed away at age 53 on August 16th at Memorial Hospital in New York City. He will forever be revered as the greatest thing in baseball history.