Chase’s self-harm tragically cripples his family, which composes of Gordie, his mother, and father. Although it impacts their personal lives it also damages the relationships that they have with others outside of the family.Chase’s burdens left his mother in emotional distress through killing another man; but he also causes his mother a feeling of deception from her son that causes her to leave the…
In the book The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, the narration is done by five of the main characters: Orleanna, Rachel, Leah, Adah, and Ruth May Price. When analyzing the narrative led by Leah Price, a 14-year old tomboy, the reader may notice her progression from a young girl who idolizes her father and loves him more than anyone else, into a rebellious young woman who despises her father. Some of Leah’s more prominent characteristics are her compassion and devotion. These characteristics are portrayed from the very beginning when Leah follows her father around even saying that, “I know he must find me tiresome, yet I still like spending time with my father very much more than I like doing anything else” (Kingsolver 36). In that context, Leah is still a young girl, who basically worships her father and does everything he does, loves everything he loves, but he does not give her anywhere near that much love in return. This is also evident on pages 41-42; she goes on about how awesome her father is and how admirable he is, almost justifying her idolizing him. Also, Leah states that “His devotion to its progress, like his devotion to the church, was the anchoring force in my life throughout this past summer” (64). These things are very important because it shows just how much Leah’s persona is affected by her father, also how influential he is on her beliefs (with emphasis on religion).…
1. Identify and explain an emotion that Bradstreet expresses in her poem that any mother might have.…
In the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God written by Zora Neale Hurston, the protagonist, Janie, and her husband for a respectable portion of her life, Jody Starks, seek courtship for entirely different reasons. Janie pursues sexual and emotional fulfillment as she journeys to the horizon and to a place of limitless possibility, while the male domineering Jody Starks seeks only after power, control, and a good place in society. These dramatic differences in ideals of love are the source of conflict between Janie and Jody and utterly shift Janie’s understanding of freedom and what it means to be free. Their different outlooks also lead to their downfall as a couple, and the downfall of Jody Starks as a man.…
Klinger, L. J., Hamilton, J. A., & Cantrell, P. J. (2001). Children's perceptions of aggressive and gender-specific content…
Kathy Dobie’s memoir was thought-provoking. When Kathy first had sex with Brian I knew that this was the start of some bad decisions. When she later went from Brian to Victor I knew she was trying to be a “saint.” When Kathy later found her “tribe” I knew from the start they would use her. When they raped her, she found herself analyzing all of her decisions. It gave her confirmation to change the way she was behaving but to keep her “saint” presence in life.…
Preacher Jonathan Edwards in Sinners in the Hands of a an Angry God used fear of eternal damnation to motivate his followers to repent. In Scared Straight? The program used fear to make teenagers experience the consequences about their acts. I think fear is a good motivational between kids and parents . It works between teachers and students , it works between citizens and law.…
Sethe views her children as the best part of herself, so she prioritizes their needs over her own. For example, when Sethe tells Paul D the story of how schoolteacher’s nephews stole her breast milk, she alludes to the fact that they might have also raped her; however, the reader cannot be sure because she is so preoccupied with the theft of the milk that belongs to her children that she glides over the details of her own rape (Morrison 19). Because Sethe invests most of her identity into motherhood and because she views her children as extensions of herself, every abuse she suffers feels more offensive toward her children than toward herself. In addition to the struggle of defining herself apart from her children, Sethe also devotes much of her energy to repressing the past, for her memories of Sweet Home are too painful for conscious recollection; however, this process is unhealthy and detrimental, for the absence of a past prevents the construction of a solid identity. Because Sethe’s “brain [is] not interested in the future” but is instead “loaded with the past,” even the freedom for which Sethe has worked so hard is threatened (Morrison 83). She remains completely stuck in the past until Paul D arrives, and she is able to take a small step toward…
When talking about the suffering of his people, Kings tone holds restrained anger. King displays that; “it is easy for those who have never felt the stinging darts of segregation to say, ‘Wait.’ But when you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers… you can understand our… impatience”. The use of controlled anger in this passage communicates an emotional situation. Involving these horrific events in his letter makes it obvious that there is severe injustice in racism. The words “stinging darts” as well as “vicious mobs” work in order to display Kings anger at these injustices. Emotion and logic are evident when King says, “[I] see her beginning to distort her personality by developing an unconscious bitterness toward white people”. The words “distort” and “bitterness” extort the frustration and agony felt by King that is featured in this passage. Incorporating the negative affects on the children using such heavily negative diction is another way an emotional attachment and sense of right and wrong are formed. By restraining his anger he is able to keep the clergymen engaged while clearly displaying his point.…
Through out John Steinbeck’s controversial novel, The Grapes of Wrath, the protagonist are faced with a daunting idea; that there is no ‘good’ and ‘bad’ forces in the world. Grapes of Wrath was published in an era filled with discrimination, hate, and fear directed at the fleeing “Okies”; in the early 1930’s the midwestern states where decimated by a foreseen but still devastating Dust Bowl. The reader joins the main characters, the Joad family, as they travel across the country hoping for work in a foreign state; California. Through out their trip they seem to come to believe that “there ain’t no sin and there ain’t no virtue” just people doing what people do. Yet the more they seem to believe this, the more the reader begins to see that there is in-fact a drastic flaw in their ideology. People do do horrible and good things, but those are what prove that Sin and Virtue do exist.…
She finds a way to rebel (no matter how small), by writing all of her stories, so that in turn, all of her readers can “pass on the tradition” of her life. With her persistence in writing to God with everything she sees and hears and feels, she is unconsciously telling herself that she deserves to be heard; even if it’s just through her writing that no one is going to see but God and her sister.…
Brooks’ poetry, so rich in personal detail and authenticity, often does not have to justify the moral side of issues like other poems usually do. Her work, for me, seems less confessional and more like realistic humanity, a difficult feat to accomplish when so much of the material speaks of inner turmoil, lost loves, and wistful sadness. Honest in tone and filled with common and often disturbing themes, the poems were ones I was able to connect with. “The Mother” and “The Sundays of Satin Legs Smith” are two poems that speak to me in terms of universal longing and pain. I have never had an abortion, but I know several people who have. In fact, last year I had an 11th-grade student who was pregnant, and I told her that I would gladly adopt the baby. She said she would consider it, but she ended up having the abortion. For a couple weeks after she got back, I kept wondering what that child would have been like; but then, I had to force myself to put it out of my mind. “The Mother” brought back all the joys of having a child and all the disappointments of not having a second one.…
Layla has a difficult time connecting with her daughter Hanan. Hanan is a unique character in the fact that she divides herself from the standard Arabic culture because of her embarrassment that her mother isn’t a typical American. From a young age she was upset about her name and even despised her mother for having an accent and inability to pick up on American culture. Even after settling in Philadelphia and escaping the war back home. An example of Hanan’s lack of understanding for Layla’s culture can be represented from Hanan’s callous attitude towards her neighbor as she fails to gesture any form of respect. Her neighbor’s reaction triggers Layla’s thought about the war back home. How the last time she felt this nervous was when she was running away from the soldiers not knowing why the world was collapsing all of a sudden. Thus realizing how “Back home, I would go after Hanan and slap her face… this was the only country where disrespect was enforced” (103). This results in the struggle in the differences between homes because Layla is unable to discipline her daughter in America as opposed to the culture of the way things are done back home in Jerusalem. Layla’s personal struggle to imbue some of her own culture into Hanan differs from Tucker’s personal memory of his brother Silas beating the machine. His ability to demonstrate his pain, suffering and regrets results in him asking for his peoples forgiveness as a way of passing judgment over him for his inability to help his brother. Unlike Hanan who is someone who will never understand the struggle that it took to live in Layla’s world before Philadelphia. Rufe, one of the old men gathered at Marshall compensates for everyone else’s understanding that “We had all done the same thing sometime or another; we had all…
In “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”’ Jonathan Edwards uses appeal to fear to help his audience experience the consequences of sinful behavior. One such image is when Jonathan says “ a wide and bottomless pit, full of the fire of wrath, that you are held over in the hand of that God…..nothing you can do, to induce God to spare you one moment…”. Edwards is trying to make you imagine that you are been held by God over the pit of hell. This appeals to fear by creating anxiety of not knowing when he could let you go then, and when he does you would be descending down to hell with know one to help you.…
When the petition of a national forest threatens to stop the timber company from the continual destruction of the land, Serena’s darker nature is revealed. At first, Serena encourages her husband to secure as much land as possible with his partners. But when partner, Buchanan, makes the mistake of showing weakness…