Throughout this book review we will discuss the purpose of this book, how it affects our lives. I will give a brief summary of the book and explain what William. T. Cavanaugh portrays. We will then look at the strengths and weaknesses of the book as well as my conclusion as to these strengths and weaknesses.
2. Purpose of the book – Being Consumed, Economics and Christian Desires
William. T. Cavanaugh, wrote this book in the hopes to reveal an economic life with implementations from Christian methods to truly live free in economic practices.
Cavanaugh only discuss four topics, which are; freedom and unfreedom, detachment and attachment, the global and the local, and lastly he discuss scarcity and abundance. These topics are …show more content…
covered with vigour and portray the importance of serving one another and God.
The purpose of this book is to highlight key factors of microeconomics in a theological sense.
3. Context
Cavanaugh portrays throughout the book that consumers have the freedom to make decisions for themselves, to consume what they want and that work opportunities will never cease to exists.
Although this is in part true, unfreedom reveals to us that there are many factors such as market forces and exploited labourers which influence our decisions.
Market forces tend to display advertisements which are appealing to society emotionally and physically. These advertisements are often manipulative and forces society to make decisions without realizing that they are succumbing to their coercion. Cavanaugh counters these manipulations from large corporations by encouraging free markets.
Free markets are only free when two people decide to exchange a product and are both aware of everything concerned with that product. By taking part in a free market the consumer gets what they really want instead of what they were forced to want.
According to Augustine freedom is to achieve worthwhile goals, these goals should be goals which lead us to God and living according to Christ’s example.
Living according to Christ’s example means living in the body of Christ. Christians are seen as a community in Christ and therefore we are responsible for those who are a part of the same …show more content…
Although Cavanaugh encourages living as one in Christ, societies are greedy. Their wants exceed their needs and their desires are to desire. They pursue their desires to fill the void within them; these desires cannot fill the void as only God can satiate their true hunger for life.
Unfortunately these desires of consumers result in an extreme demand for goods which are produced by cheap labour in second and third world countries. These labourers are the ones who suffer from the demand of consumers in first world countries. What consumers do not realise or do not want to realise is that their demand is causing companies to look for overseas countries that has the lowest rate for labour. This results in job-loss for the workers who were working for the company before they moved overseas and creating jobs in another country which exploits workers as they are desperate for jobs.
Cavanaugh encourages consumers to instead keep production rates down and produce items themselves such as, bread and juice etc.
By limiting production and producing their own products, consumers once again become attached to their product and appreciate the work which went into it.
This method also encourages shopping for locally produced items to support farmers as well as to get to know the producer, again this results in appreciation for the product which would not just be discarded for something new.
The appreciation of products are falling away as globalization increases our awareness of what is going on in the world and what is new. Society has become focussed on transcending and consuming products which improves their status. Cavanaugh rebukes the narrow minded way of thinking that products can fulfil the void that only God can fulfil, Cavanaugh explains that the Eucharist is consumption of the body of Christ to be fulfilled by Jesus and that the hunger for materiel goods will no longer exist.
This hunger will be fulfilled by God and we will join the community in Christ, by being a part of this community we share the pain of those who are a part of the Body. This means that as Christians we need to reach out to those in need, to face the scarcity of the world and not to merely give donations but to treat those in the body of Christ as we would treat ourselves. Christians are encouraged to support gospel inspired businesses and to support local farmer. By supporting those who are trying to make a living but cannot afford the market force of larger companies, Christians are helping to provide a living for producers who may have otherwise starved of.
The Christian lifestyle in the Eucharist is a lifestyle of plenty and they do not need to worry about provision. God is their sole provider, they therefore are able to give freely of the materiel goods to those in need and can rest assured that God will reward them in
4. Strengths and weaknesses
Cavanaugh brought understanding to society as to how theological microeconomics can result in a life more rewarding than simply living an autonomous life. He revealed to society another way of life and gave clear instructions on how to achieve this new way of life, a simple change in producing one’s own bread or buying meat from a local farmer enriches the general economics of the community. Furthermore Cavanaugh is adamant that life as an autonomous will only result in despair, the only way to live life in abundance is to end life in God.
Although Cavanaugh teaches freedom in God, Christianity has become more isolated as the consumer’s wants surpassed that of religious wants. Consumers are greedy and their desires are to desire not to give up on their way of life but to indulge in their wants, consumers do not care what they consume as long as there are constant developments of new products for them to consume. Although many people are aware of the conditions of exploited labourers, they believe that there is not much they can do to change the conditions of these labourers work. Many have the attitude that they are creating jobs but do not consider to what extent they are creating these jobs and that the dignities of these workers are ignore.
I believe that there are many people that are doing something about the exploitation towards these labourers and that more and more society are working to help these people, it is a slow process but a process none the less. If all Christians apply the life of the Eucharist, we will reduce exploitation immensely.
5. Conclusion
I believe that Cavanaugh has valid and insightful ideas of restoring the free market to society. If we are able to implement living as one a part of Christ’s body, we will be able to reduce poverty, superiority and suppression of free choices. Christians would be making a difference with the help of God to server those who are in need and to support those who are living toward their end life in God. The Eucharist speaks of this life of abundance and that by ending the way we live before Christ and accepting Christ as our saviour we receive all God’s promises.
That being said, human beings fight to be seen as individuals who do not want to be part of a labelled group. Therefore they would not easily revoke their way of life to implement a life ending in God. Many know and accept that God exists but will not confirm to His way for the mere reason they will need to accept rejection from society. This is a great issue for many people, standing a part from friends and family is taxing and can drive one to return to their old ways just to lift the depression of being alone. I believe firmly that as Christians we should become a part of a church or a community of fellow believers for the very reason of standing firm and a part from those who do not believe in God. Only then, with the support of others can we live in the Eucharist.