My character is dynamic because she grew a lot through the passage of the story.
She went from never having to lift a finger at home to doing two parent work after her father decided to bail and her mother died. Her motivation was to always make her mother happy, and keep her family strong. Ivah always said that a family of many is a family not deserving unity she believed a family should be joint as one body no matter who or where your branched off
Ivah’s goals were to always make he mother proud and keep her family together strong and proud no matter what she had to go thru to do it. She always had to miss out on special activities and assignments due to the lack of parental guidance. When the kids had something special she would unwillingly contact her dad but when the task was finished he would bail again.
Some indirect traits were Ivah never stated that she HAD to keep the family together but she always quoted about it. She felt that a family should be united no matter who or where your branched off to and should be able to always be in contacted even if you get shipped to Kalamazoo.
Some thoughts that I feel about Ivah is that she is very passionate, loving, caring and determined. She has to be perfected and keep others around her happy no matter what they say about her even though she did get a lot of negativity from peers about speculations of being parentless. So basically I feel the character has a willingness to fill any void.
I do actually agree with what Ivah did because she made sure when her family was in need she kept them strong and together. All though I do not agree that she didn’t out more for her father and support. I do understand where she came from. I feel as if she felt if he wanted to leave I will free him. No need to make him miserable to make us miserable.
She was a ultimate family hero. She soon to become a family lawyer and helped others that may be in her position. She is banking now and has everything for her and the growing kids she can now do for the kids that no one could do for her.