More women remained in the work force as nurses and in secretarial roles and they earned the right to vote. Industry had grown significantly during the war and new ways of management and production were a big part of that. Probably the most notable change was in the Armed Forces. They had “evolved into a modern, combat-tested army recognized as one of the best in the world.”…
9. In the paragraph that begins with Line 22, what can be inferred as the economic and educational status of women in 1893? According to the passage, In 1893 women weren’t treated like “citizens of America” i.e the right to vote.…
Before the war women always worked toward becoming dominant or equal to men. Men always saw women as the care takers, cleanup crew, and kitchen staff. Women wanted to prove to men that they could be more than just mothers, teachers, and cooks. Women didn’t have many rights and were always expected to be quiet and listen, but women didn’t want it to be this way. Women knew that they were as determined, smart, strong, and willing as men, and women were prepared to fight back and for their rights. Even growing up women would follow in the footsteps of their mother to become a house wife. A whole generation of women were being brought up and brainwashed into thinking they weren’t as clever or able as men, so that generation rose up and took a stand against what they believed in and knew what needed to be set right for generations to come.…
Document A shows a woman as a woodcut worker. Before the war, women were stuck in the house, having no input in how their life was run; during the war, they were running society and maintaining the economy. Women also began to libel for their freedom after the war; “What then must my situation be, when my sex, my youth and inexperience all conspire to make me tremble at the task which I have undertaken? But the friendly encouragement, which I behold in almost every countenance, enables me to overcome difficulties, that would otherwise be insurmountable.” (Document J). Furthermore, Molly Wallace is saying that when the men where away, the women were able to run society, so they should be included…
Many men in World War II forced to join US Military just like the colored people joined, therefore women had to work in the factories to support or produce the weapons, supplies, raw materials that needed for the war and soldiers. Before the war, the women had limited to work and the colored of the women can work as a maid with low pay and for the white women were mostly housewives. However, things were dramatically changed during World War II because the war created the job opportunities for women in the industry such as working with machines and technology. According to the Document F, women become as a welder in a factory. It means that men can only do those kinds of things, but women can also do like men do. Although women can earn more money than before the war, but they still can earn low wages than men which leads to feminism. Moreover, women were not only support the materials for the war, they also participated in the military. Around 100,00 of women joined Army and Navy. Therefore, women are the greatest changes during the World War…
The American homefront before, during, and after World War ii changed. Some people like to think it changed little, and some like to think it changed drasticly. A lot of women think that they were a big part of changing the homefront during the war. Women became a symbol during the war, they became flyers, nures, teachers and took over the husbands job while they were at war. While the war was going on, the government demanded more out of the men and women.…
The war affect women on each side in many similar ways. The women were required to work in order to support their family and they were required to still maintain their home. This gave women a new found sense of independence. They learned they could work and still take care of their home and family. This was the beginning of liberating women.…
Society formed new expectations for women; therefore starting a new period where women would finally become leaders and gain respect. There were many propagandas used in persuading women to join the workforce. One advertisement states: “Soldiers without guns”, showing three working women. During the war, there was a high demand of materials for the soldiers to use, so women were needed for manufacturing positions in factories. Women built ships, airplanes engines and propellers. Inez Sauer, a woman that lived during WWII, stated: “I found a freedom and an independence that I had never known.” Post War, there was a higher percentage of women working than ever before, implying that WWII had a great effect on America’s societal…
First, the lives of women changed drastically in the 1920’s. On August 18, 1920 the 19th Amendment was ratified in the Constitution, which gave women the right to vote. This event empowered women that men aren’t superior to them, and they can make their own choices. The role of women changed during WWI. When men were called to the war; the women took on the jobs the men had to do before. This event changed the expectations of women, and their roles in society. Another part…
Before World War II no one believed women had a place in the military, yet women overcame this and helped the United States reach victory. Women felt they needed and wanted to get involved in the war instead of sitting at home, taking care of the children, cooking dinner, and cleaning the house. Women joined military support organizations like the WACs, the WAVES and the WASPs. These kinds of organizations contributed immensely toward the United States war effort. Women felt that if men could serve in the war, they could, too. Women relieved men of certain jobs so the men could go fight in the war. Women worked hard and took the men’s places, but they could not fight or get close to battle. Women’s roles in the war changed society, and lasted long after the United States declared victory.…
This in turn changed society by showing the world that women could do much more than cook, clean and bear children. As women filled important roles, the thought that women were inferior to men began to change. The laws before and during the war did not recognize women as equal to…
After the sons, brothers, and husbands had left the country to serve, the daughters, sisters, and wives were given the task of supporting them. They made weapons and sent letters. My grandmother was one of these women. Born in 1899, she sent countless letters of support and affection to the soldiers, and helped her mother around the house when she was away in the factories. But after the war, women were given a backseat once again. The jobs that existed to make war materials had vanished, and the men that wanted work after the war had arrived. Forcing women like my grandmother and her mother out of work and leaving their husbands and brothers jobless throughout the next decade.…
“Before the Civil War, laws and traditions restricted women’s choices.” Woman play an major role in history but that was right before the Civil War. In the article, Breaking traditions by Kathleen Ernst, it is talking about how women were treated during the 1800’s and how they live in the shadow of their husbands, dads, brothers, uncles, and any other male relatives. The wars did change women's lives during the Civil War. When the men went to war the women had to step up and do their husbands jobs…
Before the war, women were to stay at home and be a part of what historians call “the Cult of True Womanhood.” At this time, “true women” devoted their lives to cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the house for their husband and children. As the war began, women started drifting away from their domestic jobs, started working on the front line, started finding ways to be a part…
Social issues were the biggest struggle women had to deal with before, during, and even after the War for a short period of time. In 1891, before the war actually started, men used to beat their wives with sticks and were able to lock them in a room if they had wished (Tenzin Sungrab). Men had all the power over women, and the women could not stand up or do anything about it. When world war one broke out in 1914, the government cared so much about the war they didn’t pay attention to the fact that women were involved in the war and that females were participating, not just males participating like they wanted it to be. Women even got the right to vote in some cases, if one of their relatives was serving for that country. Some of the Jewish women that really cared about the soldiers and not the problems going on in the war brought Hanukkah gift boxes to the soldiers and if any of the soldiers kept kosher for Passover, the women would bring them food to eat. This was all to show the men that the women were capable of doing things to help the war effort. Therefore, on one hand, women were being mistreated by their husbands and didn’t have any right at “home” and on the other hand, women started to receive rights as a result of their involvement in the War and of them helping and working in “men” jobs. Social issues had the biggest impact on women because a lot of women got affected by this emotionally.…