
Summary Of Bret Stephens Repeal The Second Amendment

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Summary Of Bret Stephens Repeal The Second Amendment
In Bret Stephens, OP-ED article “Repeal the Second Amendment” he states the point that the Second Amendment needs to be repealed, just as the title insinuates. In the article, many points are brought from different standpoints are brought up and discussed, including a standpoint based on the law, one based on personal-safety, one on national-security, and another on the point of personal liberty. The first point that is mentioned is the standpoint based on law which states, that with a more prevalent appearance of guns there will be more murders. The stance on personal-safety mentions, that with more guns present there is a decrease in safety. The third stance is that on the national-safety which states, that the need for a militia is unnecessary at this day in age and that the power that is needed to defeat large threats are found in missiles not in the militia. The final point is that of the personal liberty stance which mentions, that armed citizens violate the power of the government. …show more content…
Bret Stephens brings up the point of mental-health checks and how those who side with the Conservative side often state that more needs to be done in the area of mental health. The author then goes on to say that often times those who commit mass murders like Stephen Paddock, would not have aroused the curiosity of a mental-health professional before he opened fire on a concert in Las Vegas. It has been found that certain names like, Mohammed, would cause suspicion if they were to purchase firearms and rounds in large quantities. After stating this, the author then goes on to mention why liberals lose the debate on gun

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