Painting is a vital part of the History of Art as well as drawing. Before listing the benefits of painting in the classroom the author explained the importance of color and mixing colors. Young children are attracted to colorful things and when they create art they tend to use multiple colors. Chapter 7 discusses some of the discoveries and explorations children will have with paintings as well as the painting skills and conventions students will develop. You can find medias that are used for paintings and the techniques used with them in this chapters. As you move forward through the chapter the author moves on to teaching color with paint and the many benefits that come with it. A significant quote from this chapter stated, “Children learn about color most effectively by using it, talking about it, and identifying color terms in their own artwork and that of others,” (p117). When students work on art in the classroom they have a chance to explore their classmate artwork. This also opens their minds to different shapes, colors, and emotions. Some students may mix colors different creating a new color. The teaching sections explore different techniques that can be used in the classroom to bring out the student’s creativity. One example I liked that the text used was having the students walk through the school yard and observe the different trees on the campus. Paying close attention to the details of the trees and its …show more content…
As technology advances computers, digital cameras, scanners and social networks are being incorporated in Art Education. This chapter discusses the difference between today’s artist and their predecessor's something that has been done throughout the history of art. Chapter 10 also explores new media also known as digital technology. It gives examples of how teachers can use the new technology to benefit their students. Teachers can change and improve their teaching strategies using the new digital technology in ways that can improve their students learning experiences. The text states, “Children today are both eager and prepared to engage in digital media activities. Their visual sense is oriented to motion because of early exposure to television, …,”(p168). Most students have had some type of exposure to digital media before they enter the classroom so this can be used as a motivator to get students to get engaged in art assignments. Nowadays most classrooms have access to various types of digital technology allowing students that may not have access to one act home to experience the benefits of digital art created through digital technology. Other forms of new media discussed in this chapter are digital cameras, storyboards, and compadres of