It is not college that is to blame for providing some weird environment, absolutely separate from the “real” world, where strange liberal ideas can run amok, spawned by a small group of troubled minds whose strange message has now engulfed us all. The “problem” has to be traced further back. In my opinion these students have, nearly from birth, been gently beaten into insensibility by what we call the “college preparatory system.” Their very ability to navigate their way into college is predicated on their submission to a process of “college preparation” that for all intents and purposes begins with pre-school. It has hyper-organized them and leeched inquiry and experimentation and creativity out of them. They are risk-averse and yet — and here is the key point — they are taught to be tough (especially boys) and to stifle their senses of being harmed. Their programming is simply toward greater and greater efficiency, competitiveness, and performance
It is not college that is to blame for providing some weird environment, absolutely separate from the “real” world, where strange liberal ideas can run amok, spawned by a small group of troubled minds whose strange message has now engulfed us all. The “problem” has to be traced further back. In my opinion these students have, nearly from birth, been gently beaten into insensibility by what we call the “college preparatory system.” Their very ability to navigate their way into college is predicated on their submission to a process of “college preparation” that for all intents and purposes begins with pre-school. It has hyper-organized them and leeched inquiry and experimentation and creativity out of them. They are risk-averse and yet — and here is the key point — they are taught to be tough (especially boys) and to stifle their senses of being harmed. Their programming is simply toward greater and greater efficiency, competitiveness, and performance