
Summary Of David Brooks Tramps Like Them

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In David Brooks’ article, “The cost of Relativism,” and Nicholas Confessore’s article, “Tramps like Them” gives a detailed description of generations that are caught in a recurring loop of stress and family breakdown. This has created eroding of citizens American virtues. In both articles they talk about books that explains breakdowns of generations. One of the books are called “Our Kids” by Robert Putnam which illustrates the differences between college graduate parents and high school graduate parents. Through studies that Putnam addressed with many people, he came up with statistics for the research of the different types of parents. One is that ten percent of College graduate parents were a single parent and 70% of high school graduates are a single parent. …show more content…

Some are interacting with children, reading to them, talking more to them, taking to church, and giving them more encouragement so that all this can help with their development as a child. With the same things occuring in the other book by Charles Murray called “Coming Apart,” he expounds on how adults act today from lifestyles they grew up in. Some adults grown up in this loop creates them to have problems in illegetimacy, crime, joblessness, etc. which creates their civic values to erode away. Now adults are either adapting codes of good behavior usually from the way they were taught or having a bad behavior. The people adapting to the good behavior are teaching their children good creating the next generation to have a good feedback loop. With the stress of the bad loop from a family, it creates the generations to have the bad behavior. Depending on what feedback loop a generation is raised in they are forsure to pass the loop back to the generations in the

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